Thursday, February 5, 2015

Advertise on “VKontakte” will sell Mail.Ru Group – BBC

The social network “VKontakte” has sent a letter of termination of the placement of media advertising in applications social network with the largest online agency IMHO VI, part of the holding “Video International”, according to «News» . IMHO VI serves in Russia such famous advertising platforms like Facebook, resources “Yandex” and Rambler & amp; Co. Function for the sale of advertising will take the parent company Mail.Ru Group, which owns the “VKontakte” and which has all the necessary infrastructure for this purpose.

According to the press secretary of “VKontakte” George Lobushkina, the decision to change the agency primarily due to economic reasons: social network plans to earn by selling advertising through Mail.Ru Group more. In this case, it is only about display advertising, which takes in the revenue structure “VKontakte” only a small fraction.


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