Wednesday, May 20, 2015

British scientists have discovered what nature has created men –

An interesting study by British scientists, which lasted 10 years, has allowed to understand what purpose the nature of humanity is divided into two sexes and the role of men in the world, except fertilization, because many living organisms on Earth can reproduce on their own. In order to provide answers to several questions, researchers conducted surveillance of flour beetles, their evolution over dozens of generations.

  We studied their behavior during the reproductive period, changing
 the number of animals of both sexes in different groups. Sometimes
 specialists allowed only 10 females 90 males and even in this case
  females culled eight males.

  50 generations, the researchers checked health and genetics beetles. The
 It was found that in those groups where the number of males
 prevailed over females, genetics and health were at the highest level, and
 itself a viable population, according

Based on the
 the results, the researchers concluded that the male part of the population of the planet
 is required

not only for reproduction, it also provides
 genetic health of the population. After all, men’s competition for the birth
 posterity creates the conditions for the selection of the best genetics, discarding
 genetic mutations, allowing the population to flourish and to avoid


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