Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The night before exams hackers tried to steal the exam tests – Russian newspaper

– The Unified State will take place in 52 countries abroad. It is basically a school embassies – said the head Sergei Kravtsov Rosobrnadzor.

The first exam this year – geography and literature. These examinations are not part of the mandatory and hand them those graduates who need them for admission to universities. Children learn their results on June 3. According Rosobrnadzor, geography chose about 30 thousand people, literature – almost 50 thousand.

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The night before the first exam hackers attacked the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical measurements, which is developing the exam tasks and tried to steal tests.

– at night Site FIPI, in our opinion, an attack was made, but she successfully repulsed. It can be seen trying to find the original exam papers. It did not happen, – said Sergey Kravtsov.

This year, the exam takes place much calmer – violations with virtually no mobile phones.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, all regions are ready for Examination. At the same time “is taken under special control several regions: This Republic of Tyva, Kalmykia, Adygea, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia and Sakha-Yakutia”.

By the way, due to bad weather in Yakutia four students failed to to come to the reception points of the exam. They are allowed to pass the exam in the reserve day on June 24.

These graduates of one of the Ivanovo school yesterday passed the exam in literature. In the area of ​​the exam will take the almost 4.5 thousand. More than 300 of them – graduates of previous years. Ivanovo region is usually among the leading regions of the results of the unified state examination. The most popular items graduates – social science, physics, biology.

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