Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Medvedev asked to send him Sobyanin device allowing to sleep for 4 hours – BBC

Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who visited Technopark MIPT, acquainted with the work of a unique device that allows a person to sleep four hours, reports «Interfax» .

According to the premier, such a device is necessary for all the parliamentarians not to sleep on the meetings.

«We all need such a device. When potreniruetes, we Sergei Sergeyevich (Moscow Mayor Sobyanin – “Times”) and all members of the government had not to fall asleep at the meetings, “- Medvedev said.

As noted, the unit was created in the form of bracelet worn on the hand. He reads the impulses of the brain and stimulates the renewal of the deep stage of sleep.

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