Saturday, May 23, 2015

Spiders also love singing and flirting pesni- scientists – to Pravda.Ru

 The spiders also love singing and flirting pesni- scientists. 320345.jpeg

Foto: Archive to Pravda.Ru

Scientists from the University of Cincinnati recorded percussion sound signals produced by males “humming” spiders to attract females . Recent catch fluctuations foliage, and respond to these vibrations. The spiders and other arthropods are not hearing, therefore, concluded the researchers, it is logical to assume that they feel marriage “music” tactile sensing vibrations.

Alexander Sveger and Professor George Uets presented their work at the annual meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, the researchers believe that their discovery will help to study the evolution of vibrational communication in nature.

Test spiders sometimes make whole “choir” in American forests – gathering in large groups, they scrape the leaves.

“I decided to find out whether this kind of spiders in order to communications transmitted over the air sounds, “- said Alexander Sveger in an interview with BBC BBC.

To test the theory, researchers recorded the sounds made by male spiders, in order to provoke a” concert “they the smell of the female spiders used.

Then, in the presence of recording lost females. It turned out that they were spiders

are able to respond to only one type of signal – when the sound of a male spider is retrieved using the leaf surface, transmitting vibrations. And on the other surfaces, badly vibrating, spiders are not able to play their “music,” the researchers note. On the legs of spiders have special sensors that capture and vibration transmitted from leaf to leaf.

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