Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From the female depends little from the male to win – natural selection – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

Fitness and Men

What are the male males

The scientists decided to answer the question – why do we need men in nature males. It appears in the animal world and people are interconnected and males not only play the role of reproduction as selection. According to a report published in the journal Nature, the sexual selection plays a critical role in the evolution of species.

The scientists took as a basis for the life of insects, they also occur serious sexual selection – choose only those who can participate in procreation. To determine how important sexual selection evolution, scientists for over 10 years in the laboratory studied the behavior of beetles, bugs or flour. Emphasis on intraspecific competition.

 Vegetables and man

It turned out (and conducted experiments for many years), after 7 years after the change of 50 generations of beetles was It found that males that are actively fighting for the females, were healthier and less prone to various diseases. At the same bugs that were able to mate without a fight over females, become extinct within 10 generations, the news service quoted the Air Force.

According to Professor

Gage, the system of sexual selection provides a strong spread of genes and prevents the growth of bad genes, so that the element of struggle among males provides improved genetic health of the population. And in order to attract the right females, males have to fight and only if they are victorious in a serious fight, they have access to the right female.

Tags: beetles, competition, men, male, selection, males, scientists, evolution Vido

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