Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rogozin in a hurry with the transition to Omsk missile – RYBINSKonLine

«As to the consequences, then they obviously should ultimately translate into specific solutions, as administrative, concerning those who are responsible for this program, and property”, – said Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister on Monday.

According to him, from the “Proton” should be phased out. It can be used in-line conveyor assembly, because the first and second stages of the rocket – a universal modules.

He also suggested that the prime minister informed about the results of the investigation of European and American counterparts.

The causes of the disaster ” Proton “are the design features or technologies violations, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. “It is much more important than the movement of various designers from one enterprise to another,” – curled Russian Prime Minister at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister. Trying to bring the Mexican satellite into orbit over the accident and the loss of the device, according to unconfirmed reports, because

of the abnormal operation of the engine turbopump unit of the third stage carrier rocket “Proton-M”. Obsolete missiles can be launched only from Baikonur, located in Kazakhstan, and a new development can be launched from the territory of the Russian Federation. Then we worked emergency state commission, extensive measures were taken, but again … the accident. “That is the failure of one and the same system,” – he said.


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