The Roman water supply system – one of the oldest in the world. So, built between the VI and VII centuries BC channel called Cloaca Maxima still functions as a stormwater. In the I century BC Emperor Augustus began to arrange well the sewer and expanded construction of aqueducts. In the end, the aqueduct was built by ancient Western Rome – Aqua August
. <-! Place 6382333, / science / 2015/01 / 21_a_6382333.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->
He supplied water for eight or nine cities and many villages in the Bay of Naples. The total length of the channel (with the branches off of it) was 140 km
The construction of this network had to Augustus to protect the water supply Campaign -. Strategically important region. At this time installed Principate (form of government, combining the features of the monarchical and republican) and the political situation was not calm. Augustus was important to provide water and sea commercial ports, towns and villages of the Romans.
However, in 79 AD August Vesuvius erupted. It destroyed three Neapolitan city: Pompeii and Stabiae Gerkalanum.
eruption lasted about a day, and, according to scientists, providing that energy was greater than the atomic bomb over Hiroshima.
to date, it left open the question of what damage inflicted volcano Neapolitan aqueducts. Scientists from France, Britain and Italy put an end to many years of debate, having the isotopic analysis of sediments. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
Scientists have measured the ratio of isotopes of lead (Pb) in the sediments of the era (the lead is released during volcanic eruptions). Samples were taken for investigation of archaeological cuts in the Bay of Naples. Total researchers collected 61 rock sample, which were located at a distance of nine centimeters apart (soil depth). The thickness of the sediments studied was five and a half meters. According to scientists, the deposits in the truest sense of the word “recorded” history of these places, demonstrating that after the eruption of the water in the water supply has been contaminated, and the system itself – is damaged
<-.! Place 5928621, / science ™ / 2014 / 02 / 27_a_5928621.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->
Scientists have found three options of how the volcano affected sewer
first, before the eruption of lifting the soil on the slopes of the volcano could deform the Aqua Augusta. Secondly, the aqueduct could destroy earthquake. Despite the fact that the Gulf of Naples is not in a seismic zone, the written testimony of Pliny the Younger said that a few days before the eruption occurred repeatedly tremors. Thirdly, the fine particles of dust after the eruption of Vesuvius could get into the channel through the open areas and cause pollution – in the Aqua Augusta was not provided cleaning system
As a result, comparison of sediments taken from different places, it turned out that about. 94 year, 15 years after the disaster, the isotopic composition of the rock, which is above the one that refers to the period of the eruption of Vesuvius, has changed dramatically. According to scientists, this means that
city residents simply “switched” to another, a new aqueduct, which was built during this time – started this work, throughout the apparently, immediately after the eruption.
Over the same 15 years old damaged water continued to use.
The study of the isotopic composition of sediments, which belong to a later period, showed that the system of urban water supply gradually grew up before the beginning of the V century. After that numerous factors, such as war, natural disasters, as well as local economic and social problems have led to a gradual decline of the water supply system.
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