Friday, May 27, 2016

Teachers from different Russian cities are divided opinions about the exam – BBC

This year, the exam system in our country is 15 years old: 16 February 2001, the Russian government issued a decree №119 «On the organization of the experiment on the introduction of the unified state exam.” Over the next eight years, the system has been tested in different regions of the country, and then, in 2009, was declared mandatory for all students.

Even after many years of conducting and constant attempts to improve the exam system is still the subject of debate among politicians, teachers, parents and graduates themselves. About 19 thousand. Students passed the exams early in March this year, the bulk of the 11-graders to write the exam in literature and geography on May 27th. In anticipation of the occurrence of the pores of the CSE Department of Science correspondent “Gazety.Ru” Ask the following questions to teachers from different regions of the country:

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1. Is it possible to prepare students for the exam, and at the same time develop their creative abilities? 2. Were there cases in your teaching practice, when gifted children, solving Olympiad problems, could not cope with the exam tasks? 3. Can a preparation for standard examination tasks to lower the intellectual level of geeks? 4. Are remain some shortcomings in the exam system, after years of practice?

This is what the teacher said.

About Russian language and literature

Andrei Fedotov, a teacher of literature at the lyceum Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

The test exam in literature I personally do not like it, although it should not be demonized. Questions for the so-called full-scale response and essay topics tend to be quite meaningful. Of course, the exam format involves an extremely rigid structure of the responses, but, first of all, and its something not everyone turns to master, and secondly, exam, unfortunately, does not answer the question, smart before you schoolboy in principle or stupid , talented or not. Exam – this is such a game, and it largely depends on the success of knowledge of the rules. From this perspective, the exam is not better or worse than the other exams. This is a test of the exam in literature – a thing quite pointless. We train students to answer the questions of this test without looking at the text proposed for analysis. I assure you that it is simply not necessary for most issues. It is not clear what we are in this case we want to know about the student that we check

I’m afraid that we have to all talk about literature immediately divided into two lists -. “On essence “and” for the exam. »

Clever student, as a rule, by force. Exam test may very well be the reason for a normal conversation about literature. Here you ask: How are called the names of the heroes who have a hidden meaning, like Raskolnikov or Molchalin? “Correct” answer – “talking.” Why do we need such a question, I do not understand: if you are in the exam in literature in general ask something about the names, then the only possible answer – “talking.” Another thing is that this question lets talk about an interesting, too, to discuss how to classify the names of the characters in Russian literature, for example. It is clear, however, even troechniku ​​that surname Raskolnikov and Molchalin “speak” quite differently. In this approach, of course, there is something schizophrenic, but the other way I do not see.

Marina Shilkova, a leading expert on the USE check, a teacher of Russian language and literature in high school №397 MHK them . GV Starovoitova (St. Petersburg)

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The debate over the exam It does not cease, although he has been held for more than a decade. And very often I’m faced with the fact that the other person does not fully understand what the exam, how is it different from the standard look like the job … He knows only that it was “very bad”, “stupid to – to place a tick” “disaccustoms think” and so on. And no matter how much explains that this form of examination, not learning format, usually a bit confusing. Attempts to explain that the thermometer does not affect the body’s temperature, not always successful

That’s why preparing for the exam (in any form, except for the creative competition) and the development of creative abilities -. Different tasks performed at different times and different methods. In class, we are not preparing for the exam (although without it is also impossible), we are studying the subject. This applies to all items except the Russian language and mathematics. After all, for example, the literature of the 28 people in the class are going to hand over only five, physics – eight and chemistry – one. So what time teachers – preparation for the exam or the passage of the program

As for the geeks, the lowering of the level of their knowledge does not correspond, it seems to me, with a typical exam, no matter what? form it may performed.

Disadvantages have any form of examination, it is always stressful, there is always an element of luck / bad luck, when the oral examination can be difficult to avoid subjectivity in the assessment, but there is an opportunity to clarify (check , whether accidental error, whether respondent understands what he is saying, or just ready memorized clichés, etc.). During the time of the exam tasks become more correct (although lowering the threshold to primitivism I do not like), but the strengthening of formal rigor in its conduct (including experts checking the written part) often leads to the creation of humiliating situations. However, it is the fault of those who seek in any way to the freebies, and our traditionally condescending attitude toward cribs very conducive to their survival. But is it in the traditional form of the exam were less? Less was the technical possibilities …

But literacy – a separate (and very patient) question. After a 11-th class she was either there or not. Bases are laid in primary school and are fixed in the middle tier. But if I’m going about it now, even the softest censorship did not miss the fact that I think about the elementary school program. I only teachers are very sorry …

Svetlana Shishkina, a teacher of Russian language and literature in the Gymnasium. AL Kekin (Rostov)

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I will talk about the issues, that cause the boys and I have doubts and difficulties:

1. Inconsistency codifier and works, which are offered in KIMah (test materials) (mainly for the lyrics);

2. From questions on literary criticism (former part B), repeating each other of the options in an option (can be and to diversify!), The difficulty sometimes raises the question 13 ( “From the list below, choose three names of artistic means and methods used by the poet in verse of this poem “). The difficulty stems from the fact that the proposed stanza among these responses occur more than three tropes and figures, and what to prefer, is not always clear (this is not in all cases, of course);

3. The greatest difficulty to raise questions on the comparison (9 and 16), especially if it’s not quite the traditional school topics, for example in poetry (as if the poem is the theme of the poet and poetry, love, nature, etc., To find a similar product is easy, and if the question sounds like “What are the philosophical works of Russian poets in tune with the problems of Yesenin’s poem?”, the average student is already difficult to answer);

4. In the 17th issue of selection of the disparity in different versions,

There have been cases when the student is unable to choose any one, and it was discussed on the Commission to verify the EGE on literature teachers .

as for the students with innovative thinking … they drive into the frame is difficult for them, perhaps you need to arrange the internal exams at universities such as Moscow State University. It seems to me that they are few, and we are in a school focus mainly on the average student. This year, the literature I have dealt three girls, only one of them does not just love the subject, it is further engaged, and the rest, I’m afraid not even read … And all the exam in Russian I like. If a person is engaged in a stable language, he has a chance to pass the exam well and without a tutor.

About Math

Helena Shevel, a teacher of mathematics at the Lyceum №1 them. AS Pushkin (Bryansk)

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The work program includes mathematics teacher use textbooks compiled in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard. Under these conditions, exam preparation is in sync with the study of the new material: the repetition of previously studied, systematization of knowledge and skills did not rule out solutions in the classroom and through additional courses of non-standard tasks. I do not see any contradiction between the preparation for the exam in mathematics and specific development of creative abilities. The child has the opportunity to express themselves within the framework of elective courses, and in preparation for the Olympic Games (them only in the approved list of 71, and another 1 thousand -. In the Internet space), and in a variety of school activities

. The teacher is always there, it certainly will support and guide the gifted student.

Yes, everything happens in the exam! Not everyone is gifted to learn everything and learned everything. Although I should have. And not everyone is psychologically racks. It is worth noting that the task of mathematics does not allow to relax. Even in the main part there are “zakovyrka” requiring precise knowledge of the theory of child and concentration. And unless these qualities hinder talent? Can a daily playing scales does not allow to speak at the Tchaikovsky competition

From the negative: despite all the tricks, so far still happens leaked exam materials and violations during exams

On. history

history Teachers “Times” asked a question: can graduate to openly express their opinions in writing parts if issue is contentious issues? Do I need a tutorial for a single exam?

Arthur Lutsishin, a leading expert in testing the exam on the history, the principal №1465 named after Admiral NG Kuznetsov (Moscow)

Obviously, we are talking about setting №25: 11-grader asked to write an essay about a historical period of Russian history. Setting new, it appeared in the exam this year alone, so the students, teachers and exam experts are wary composing. Will the student freedom, the opportunity to express their creativity, express their position on topical issues of Russian history? First, the student chooses, for what period of national history to write it. What it more interesting, closer in spirit, for what period of his store of knowledge more significant, that is, what subject it may reveal more fully

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Second, he and he alone determines which significant events indicate some historical figures to choose and describe what the causal relationships between events, phenomena or processes to allocate. Not to mention the freedom of the elected author works formulations. In other words, by, for example, the work of 1914-1918, one student can describe the activities of Nicholas II, the Brusilov generals Kornilov, the course of fighting on the fronts of World War I, and the other will reveal Lenin’s activities, Trotsky, characterize the revolutionary upheavals that have become It is largely a product of Russia’s entry into the first world war.

Next, the graduate will have to assess them in the chosen works of the period, to determine the role played by this epoch in the subsequent historical process. I think that this requires the author not give memorized clichés, and to express their own opinion, based, of course, on the knowledge of the country’s history.

Thus, I hope that it is bright and unique . and creative work, combining the knowledge of historical material and its own assessment, and will be evaluated by experts as high as possible

I believe that the exam – or rather, his successful writing – is not the main purpose of school history education. Therefore, to connect directly to the theme of a single history textbook and the exam should not be. Yes, and can not be a textbook for all schools. After culminating tender procedures planned to allow schools to use textbooks lines three different publishers. In addition, a profile study of the history suggests other books. In short, the idea of ​​a compulsory textbook for all schools – is a myth. Another thing is that the exam assignment on the history should be correlated with the actual material studied in class and contained in textbooks. Decision should be the use of historical and cultural standard, recently adopted in our country. It is the basis for the writing of history textbooks. Logically, and set the exam should also refer to it.

Olga Korchagin, a teacher of history, social science and psychology in the gymnasium №3 (Perm)

Format CSE changes: he does not just mean knowledge of facts, events and historical phenomena (it is simply impossible), it requires the ability of students to restore the historical context, to finish building the missing items. It is important to demonstrate their own historical thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, argue and find pros and cons – the entire set of human thinking. And intellectual creativity and all this implies. designer’s creativity and work of the historian, it is, of course, creativity, but different. The designer tries to transform reality, and historian – to recover, and as objectively as possible

And again, memorize and to learn the history of knowledge – not the main thing.. Home -. To understand the meaning of historical processes and phenomena

To express their own opinions graduate can, if he understands. Here is an example of the teaching practice. In 11-th class comes a new student with a clear nationalistic views. The first point, which he says, Mongol-Tatars spoiled Russian gene pool. In the class there was complete silence, and the air rushed irony. In the end, the guys just explained to his classmate that at the time of the invasion of the Tatars process of forming Russian nation has not yet begun, the process will begin in the XIV century. It was during this period is the establishment of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples. In other words, the idea of ​​its own to be, but it requires knowledge, and very good. And so it’s just a domestic judgment.

With regard to the single textbook. The process of transfer of knowledge from outside to inside – in psychology, a process called internalization – the science is not known. If we know the mechanism, then wrote a math book to the world. That would be great: read, completing quests and know everything … Everything is much more complicated: children are different, different ways of development of knowledge, therefore, one history book will not save us. But well-written textbook from the point of view of history – this is important. History – an exact science

About Science subjects

Stanislav Drobyshevskiy, a biology teacher at school №1434 and 1265 (Moscow)

<. p> EGE and creativity sharply incompatible. The test involves a definite answer, but in biology often have no clear answers. There are many exceptions to the general rules. The schoolboy, who knows these exceptions, simply put a check is not there. Therefore it is necessary to teach biology as follows: “From the point of view of the reality of the case, but from the point of view of the exam syak»

Even in terms of C, where it is necessary to answer such a creative answer. evaluated on a strict pattern. The inspection can not add points for creativity. If a student has written a lot of interesting things, but missed the ‘right’ answer, he will receive a low score

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