Thursday, May 19, 2016

Roscosmos gave recommendations “NPO Automation” after the transfer of missile launch – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, May 19 -. RIA Novosti Roscosmos commission studying the cause of the transfer of the first start-up “Soyuz-2.1a” from the Baikonur East, published recommendations of JSC “NPO Automation”, said the press state corporation of service.

According to the Commission, the first launch from the Baikonur East was postponed due to a malfunction of the cable management apparatus.

The Commission recommended to the JSC “NPO Automation” to take measures to prevent this design defect detection errors in the creation of electronic and engineering documents, to strengthen controls on the notice of change of design and technological documentation; to analyze and adjust the current and future software and methodical documentation for the testing of all kinds; to strengthen the role of the parent company-developer in the management of co-operatives enterprises subcontractors.

Shortly after the transfer of the first start-up CEO “automation NGOs’ Leonid Shalimov received from Vladimir Putin disciplinary punishment (the decision on incomplete official line), and then filed resign. In addition, disciplinary punished Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (reprimand) and the Head of “Roscosmos” Igor Komarov (severe reprimand)

“NPO Automation Academician Semikhatova.” – One of the largest Russian companies in the development and manufacturing management systems and electronic equipment for missile and space technology, automation of technological processes in industry. In particular, the control system makes the modern Russian carrier rocket “Soyuz-2″ ballistic missile “Bulava” and “Sineva”.

details about the construction of the spaceport, see Help RIA Novosti >>


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