«Hungarian Physical Laboratory discovered a fifth force of nature?” – With a tempting title on Thursday there was material in the prestigious scientific journal Nature . It is about the discovery, which may have made Hungarian physicists from the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. At present science knows four fundamental interactions, which may be considered to describe all the known processes in the universe
<-.! Place 8253647, / science ™ / 2016/05 / 20_a_8253647.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->
These include gravity, which manifests itself in relation to each other all the material body, and three interactions described by the so-called Standard model: electromagnetic, weak and strong.
However, the Standard Model is a phenomenological, that is not based on any deep theory that underlies it, and therefore does not prevent the detection with the growth of scientific knowledge or new particles or new interactions . Therefore, in the programs of most large-scale experiments in particle physics, scientists have long lead the search for and the fifth fundamental interaction – deviations from the predictions of the Standard Model
In the last ten years looking for a new interaction resumed with renewed vigor due to the inability of the Standard Model to explain. the phenomenon of dark matter – a mysterious substance, which constitutes over 80% of the universe. On the role of the media for dark matter theorists have offered a variety of exotic particles, for example, dark photons similar to conventional photon – carriers of the electromagnetic interaction
Hungarian scientists under the leadership of Attila Krasnahorkai in their experiments on 5-megavolt Van de Graaf accelerator like. just been busy looking dark photons, however, we discovered something quite different. During the experiments they bombarded the low-energy protons target of lithium-7, with the result that formed the nucleus of beryllium-8. This nucleus is in an excited state, and moves quickly to the ground state, emitting energy. Usually radiates a photon, however, about one thousand times the virtual gamma ray inside the nucleus of beryllium is converted into electron-positron pair
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Since the mass of a virtual photon is close to zero, the electron and positron, flying out of the nucleus should fly almost in one direction, ie the angle between their trajectories in the laboratory frame of reference should be close to . zero
In this distribution, as physicists say, is the “tail” – that is, the larger the opening angle, the less the probability of finding a pair of particles. However, this theory asserts. The experiment also showed,
that expansion at an angle of 140 degrees there is a local peak of probability, which should not be.
authors interpreted the experiment this is a manifestation of new particles emitted by the beryllium nucleus, which then decay into an electron-positron pair. Calculations have shown that the mass of the particle should be equal to 17 MeV. “We are confident in the results of our experiment”, – says Krasnahorkai, adding that the experiment shows these results for three years. In April 2015 the Hungarians laid out its work in the archive electronic preprints , and in April 2016 American theorists led by Jonathan Feng of the University of California at Irvine published an article , which said that the results of Hungarian physicists do not contradict the previous experiments and are opening
– neither more nor less – the fifth manifestation of the fundamental interactions.
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question about it up to work a few days later meeting at SLAC National accelerator laboratory in the US, the assumption about the opening of the fifth force found both supporters and skeptics. They agreed on one thing – the hypothesis can be, and should be checked in future experiments
According to Feng, who supported the idea of the fifth interaction, his group check other possible particles that could explain the anomaly.. “But protofobny boson – the most obvious explanation,” – says he
Ckepticheski reacted to the opening of a specialist in the field of elementary particle, a senior fellow at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Andrey Rostovtsev
«The graph shows that the deviations are observed only at two values of the incident proton energy for other energy indicators do not, – said the physicist,” Gazeta.ru “. – Slightly changed the energy of the proton – and the “surge” has disappeared. Usually this happens when there are certain experimental complexity. Because beryllium – even in Africa, beryllium, and no matter at what energy he’s got »
The scientist noted that the opening of the authors did not attempt to explain in their work, why the effect appears only at a certain bombardment energy <.. / p>
in addition, the expected lifetime of a new particle, which has already been nicknamed “protofobnym X-boson”, estimated at 10 -14 seconds, which is quite a lot, and strange is that in a large number of similar experiments, it was not detected
«I’m skeptical, but I support the idea that it is necessary to look at the current major experiments, for example in the LHCb at the large Hadron collider”, -. Rostovtsev said to which the story of the discovery of Hungarian physicists and summing under his theoretical justification reminded loud story two years ago. Then the physicists working on the Italian experiment OPERA announced the discovery of neutrinos flying at superluminal speed. “Then there was the sea immediately theoretical studies to explain with the help of additional measurements, Fifth forces, new particles and anything-about a hundred theoretical articles! And that
Then it turned out that there was nothing, and some bad student cable connected? “- Says the physicist.
To test the hypothesis will be at the LHC, and in the other two experiments the bombardment positrons fixed target – National Laboratory of Frascati near Rome and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Budker Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk
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