The subject” Fundamentals of Orthodox culture ” in Russian schools is not entered, it became known to “”. Rector to carry out inspections of the educational standard of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow State Pedagogical University), Igor Remorenko told the Department of Science of the reasons for this decision.
At the end of July, the Russian Academy of Education (RAE) has proposed to make an examination of an exemplary training course for students “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture “. Prior to that, the course was one of the modules “Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics” (ORKSE), the decision about the choice offered to parents of 4-5 grade students. The conclusion of the expert council should have been made before 22 August. According to the press-center of the waste, testing standard conducted two organizations, one of which – Moscow State Pedagogical University, and on the other the spokesman did not know
Igor Remorenko, Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, commented on the situation with the test:. “I can give one formal, one meaningful response. Experts point out that in the federal state educational standard is not “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” of the object in relation to primary and high school (5-11 th grades). It really is for primary and for primary and high there is not. Before discussing its introduction, it is necessary to make changes in the standard. The substantial aspect is that those educational outcomes, which are directed program, already implemented a large number of other subjects: everything that is connected with the ability to accept the opinions of others, knowledge of the culture, including the Orthodox understanding of the extent to which Orthodoxy influenced the history of our country.
The results of the program overlap with other objects. In this regard, to be specified educational results lists, the achievement of which is to provide a new program. »
He added that the verification of the course” Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture “was held before the formal appointment of Olga Vasilyeva new Minister of Education and Science, therefore, it is “absolutely no effect on the outcome of expertise”, and members of the board are not focused on it.
The conclusion of the experts will be sent to the Federal teaching union (Fumo), the members of which will make the final decision. In approving educational programs for all 11 years of school in the amount of one to two hours a week would have to redraw the entire training sessions distribution system.
As for the developed health standards, students can learn a certain number of hours per week, from “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” strictly would suffer mathematics, geography or history.
of the request to make an examination of RAO learned from social networking Igor Remorenko. It is July 23 posted on Twitter and Facebook photos of a formal request signed by the President of Academy of Education Larisa Verbitskaya and program plan. Remorenko himself commented on the word “bomb” shots.
Once the information about the request for review of “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” came to the network, it immediately responded by representatives of different faiths. Deacon Hermann Demidov from the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Moscow Patriarchate issued a denial about the course mandatory reporting for all Russian schoolchildren. He said that with the appropriate developed on the basis of other religions programs, they may also be considered for introduction in schools. According to a representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJC) Boruch Gorin, the teaching of the foundations of only one religion will harm students and “will result in the partition between the children».
The rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University explained, by what criteria can hypothetically elected course on in schools based on any one denomination: “There are two things: when it comes to present the course” Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics “and ORKSE, then it is already a procedure for the selection of one of the modules for the study (Fundamentals of Orthodox, Buddhist, Muslim , Jewish culture, the foundations of world religions and secular ethics). It assumes that, the opinion of every family, and only after that a school decides which input module.
When it comes to what is not included in the standard, it must be borne in mind that the standard has a number of hours, which determines the school through the decisions of the Governing Council, thereby maintaining its educational program. In the Belgorod region, for example, the so-introduced course “Orthodox culture” in their free time, in other regions of the popular course “Sources».
The “Origins”, which referred to Igor Remorenko, adopted in many schools of the Belgorod and Vologda regions. “The aim of the course” Sources “(1-11 th grades) is the development of students leading system of valuable orientations of the national civilization, joining its stable” kernel “,” code “and” meaning “native culture. The course aims to develop the inner, spiritual disciple of the world for the sake of comprehension of an active subject of conservation and enhancement of spiritual, moral, social and cultural experience of the Fatherland “-. Said in a memorandum to the program
As Remorenko said, to verify compliance with the educational standards I enrolled only plan the program from 1 st to 11 th class without textbooks or manuals. To date, the choice of textbooks on “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” is small, and most of them are designed only for mladsheklassnikov.
Because of the limited number of allowances by the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of 24 December 2010, the official recommended textbook written by his father Andrei Kuraev.
also, is still not clear who among the teachers must teach a course on moral education, not counting those who teach in the lower grades. So far, none of the country’s pedagogical high school teachers do not let religion or “the spiritual and moral foundations.” Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO) in a block of social sciences and humanities offers every teacher regardless of the taught subject to master more professional program for ORKSE in which there is a “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture».
The vision of Igor Remorenko presented as follows: “Different people are: history teacher, a teacher of world culture. It all depends on the outlook, interests, abilities of each teacher. Then I would not have required a stringent qualifications. Our school course on ethics taught biologist, because he really thought about it, writing articles »
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