Friday, August 26, 2016

Health Ministry opposed the lifting of the ban on alcohol sales via the internet – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, August 26 – RIA Novosti of the RF Ministry of Health is against proposals to lift restrictions on the sale of tobacco and alcohol products over the Internet. as this will reduce the positive effect, which is achieved by reducing their retail outlets, RIA Novosti reported the press service of the Ministry.

On Friday the newspaper “Izvestia” reported that the specialized agencies asked to consider the possibility of withdrawing restrictions on remote sale of a number of food products, pharmaceuticals, health products, alcohol, tobacco products.

“As for the proposal to permit the remote sale of alcohol and tobacco products, to announce that the removal of these restrictions is not supported by Russian Ministry of health and able to neutralize the positive effect of reducing alcohol sales outlets and tobacco – one of the most effective measures to combat the consumption of these products, “- said the agency

As noted in the Ministry of Health, studies show that the availability of alcohol and tobacco. the more they are used, and the more harm is caused as a result. Even minor restrictions on the availability of alcohol and tobacco are beneficial to health as a consumer, and others. In addition, the sale of alcohol and tobacco products via the Internet is not possible without its advertising, which will see children and young people.

“Thanks to the recently restrictive measures of alcohol consumption in Russia fell to 10.5 c 14.3 liters per capita from 2009 to 2015 (according to the State research center of preventive medicine of the Russian Federation Ministry of health). according to the results of a global survey of tobacco use among young people … it was revealed a sharp decline in cigarette smoking prevalence among adolescents 13-15 years old in the Russian Federation c 25.4% in 2004 to 9.3% in 2015, are prone to tobacco use in the future c 46,8% in 2004 to 10% in 2015 “, – the representative of the Ministry of Health told

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