Monday, August 29, 2016

Scientists know how to find life on Earth’s twin – The Russian Times

Potentially habitable planet Proxima B, which is closest to the Earth, can be populated with fluorescent creatures.

Scientists emphasize that the intensity of ultraviolet radiation emissions from Proxima Centauri periodically increased twice. To sustain such differences can not all living organisms, which makes life on Proxima b questioned. However, some species of living beings can still survive the impact of such stellar flares.

According to the researchers, Proxima b inhabit fluorescent organisms. On Earth, such organisms tend to live in water, and contain special proteins that help them withstand the action of intense ultraviolet radiation. Fluorescence provides the body, scientists believe photoprotecting – protection from excessive light. These organisms, for example, concern certain types of coral polyps.

The researchers suggest that monitoring the fluorescence signal may be one of the ways to detect signs of life on Proxima b. However, there is a risk of confusion with radiation biofluorestsentsiyu minerals and other objects of inanimate nature.

Obotkrytii Earth-like planets known at Proxima Tsentavrastalo August 24. Distance from the planet Proxima b to the parent star is 7 million kilometers – only 5% of the distance between Earth and the sun. The planet is much closer to their parent star than Mercury is to the Sun, but very much fainter than the Sun, Proxima. So it turns out that Proxima b falls within the habitat zone of its star. It is estimated that its surface temperature allows water to exist in liquid form.

According to the researchers, Proxima b inhabit fluorescent organisms. On Earth, such organisms tend to live in water, and contain special proteins that help them withstand the action of intense ultraviolet radiation. Fluorescence provides the body, scientists believe photoprotecting – protection from excessive light. These organisms, for example, concern certain types of coral polyps.

The researchers suggest that monitoring the fluorescence signal may be one of the ways to detect signs of life on Proxima b. However, there is a risk of confusion with radiation biofluorestsentsiyu minerals and other inanimate objects. On the discovery of Earth-like planets at Proxima Centauri it learned August 24. Distance from the planet Proxima b to the parent star is 7 million kilometers – only 5% of the distance between Earth and the sun.

planet is much closer to their parent star than Mercury is to the Sun, but also the much fainter Proxima sun. So it turns out that Proxima b falls within the habitat zone of its star. It is estimated that its surface temperature allows be water in a liquid state.


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