Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Passengers Russian aircraft will provide the Internet with domestic satellites – Information portal of ICT-Online

Passengers of Russian long-haul aircraft will soon be able to use the Internet on board. Equipment for the satellite Internet will develop a Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Satellite Communications.” Testing will begin in the next year.

Director General of FSUE “Russian Satellite Communications Company” (RSCC) said that competitors RSCC from other countries today are actively using these technologies, however, Russian aircraft access to the Internet is planned to provide through their own satellites. Test access to the Internet in domestic aircraft will be in the next year.

To provide access to the Internet will be a special system, which will be located on the aircraft body. A special antenna will need to receive the signal, thus it should not reduce the streamlining of the aircraft. Receiving Signal antenna is from the satellite, and then direct it to the aircraft, which will be distributed on the Wi-Fi.

Currently, the satellite constellation, RSCC has 13 vehicles in orbit, which will provide a link in anywhere in the world.

today, several domestic and foreign aviation companies provide Internet services on board during the flight. Typically, for this will be charged separately from the $ 5 to $ 30, sometimes the service is free of charge.

It is noted that the Russian planes will be provided with the Internet using their own strength. In addition, some domestic airliners are offering to take advantage of Wi-Fi, so passengers this service will not be a novelty.

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Categories: Internet

Keywords satellite Internet, Internet access, Wi Fi, WiFi


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