When the vehicle is in a traffic jam or at a red light, air pollution it is 40 percent higher compared with the free traffic conditions, estimated by scientists from the University of Surrey (UK). This simple adjustment of your car ventilation system can reduce the harmful effects of toxic gases by 76 percent, according to the university website
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When the going difficult, vehicles often get a move on and brake, which leads to additional exhaust emissions. In dense urban areas, they dissipate very slowly, and as a result of drivers in traffic may be present in the toxic cloud
The worst thing in this situation -. To close the windows and turn on the fan. Initially, prior to entering into the tube, the outside air is dirtier than in a car, and this combination will lead to the fact that all the harmful emissions will accumulate it inside the cabin.
If the fan or heater must still be included, then it should turn on the air recirculation mode inside the car, limiting his intake from the outside
well, the best option -. “batten down the hatches” and turn off ventilation or heating system
-. where possible and weather permitting, it is one of the best ways to limit the harmful effects of the environment – said the study’s lead author Dr. Prashant Kumar. – Also in traffic would be useful to try to increase the distance between you and standing in front of the car
Air pollution is a major cause of human premature death in Europe in 2012 such cases were registered more than 400 thousand.. In the US, the harmful effects of particulate matter from the air takes the eighth place in the list of causes of death.
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