Monday, August 29, 2016

Siberian scientists have proposed a way to increase the speed of flash drives 2-3 times – TASS

NOVOSIBIRSK, August 29. / TASS /. Scientists at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics (IPP) SB RAS considering use in devices for memory storage multigraphs (several layers of high-tech material – graphene). Flash Drives based on it will feature a long time data storage and high speed, said senior researcher Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS Yuri Novikov.

The principle of operation of this memory is based on the injection (injection) and storage of electric charge in the storage medium in this case multigrafene. The necessary components are blocking and tunnel layers: one made of silicon oxide, the second, usually a dielectric. “As for the flash memory based on the multigraph required thin tunnel layer, then the speed is increased two to three times Everything else we can use lower reprogramming voltage, and a large work function allows long to keep the injected charge.” – Quoted Novikov official publication of the SB RAS “Science in Siberia”.

According to TASS senior researcher at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS Vladimir Gritsenko, now the flash memory market in Russia is completely absent, it is only abroad. For the construction of the necessary plant in Russia would take $ 4 to 5 billion, so long as the study is purely fundamental character

Graphene -. Innovative material, which opened in the UK come from Russian Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, who received for Nobel Prize in physics in 2010.


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