Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Media: the oldest inhabitant of the Earth – 145 years – Herald

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The Russian media referring to the Daily Mail reports that found the oldest inhabitant of the Earth, who turned 145 years old. The main survivor lives on the island of Java, and says that he was born December 31, 1870. At the same time a man (whose name Mbah Goto) there are no documents confirming his birth date.

According to an article in the Daily Mail, Mbah Goto survived four wives and all their children, and now lives with her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-grandson. According to one of Goto’s grandchildren, his grandfather was getting ready to die at the age of 122 years.

Although the local authorities issued a passport Goto, which in the column “Date of Birth” is 31/12/1870, the scientific community took the news with skepticism (with the same skepticism was greeted with the news of the 171-year-old resident of Nigeria and the 163-year-old Ethiopian, whose birth dates were also not documented). To date, the official long-lived, the record is considered to be a Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who lived 122 years and 5 months

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