37th President of the United States resigned August 9, 1974, when it became clear that he was watching his opponents. The authority of the presidency immediately fell sharply, but even at that level of trust between the authorities in the United States was almost three times higher than it is now.
The investigation of the Watergate scandal to the resignation of the head of state lasted 784 days ?? These days have changed American history. The era of secrecy and conspiracy began with the publication in 1971 of the Pentagon Papers, a collection of US-Vietnamese relations. Documents revealing the diplomatic and military secrets were stolen from the State Department and the CIA and published in The New York Times.
After that Nixon creates a special investigation department, which was supposed to prevent leaks. While Republican opponents installed listening devices and photographed the documents in the building where the headquarters of the Democratic Party, two employees of the FBI and the CIA, headed the group watched the happening of the windows of the hotel opposite, and talked with crackers on the radio. In the office of Democratic opponents of the team came through time and again, but the last attempt turned into the most famous political scandal in American history.
The June night of 1972 turned out to be fatal for them: performers operations were behind bars. Nixon scandal did not seem to know.
Richard Nixon , President of the United States (from the archives of 1972), “June 17, when I was on vacation in Florida after a trip to Moscow, I first heard about the incident from the newspapers. I was amazed by these insane actions, and I was amazed that my campaign staff were among the perpetrators. I immediately gave the order to proceed with the investigation and I was assured that the members of my administration to that are not involved ».
to believe him. Nixon, according to the polls, it could rely on to stay in the presidential chair for a second term. In January 1973, the trial of the Watergate participants. Witnesses one after another to testify about illegal wiretapping and surveillance, the involvement of special services and that the CIA ordered to slow down the FBI investigation, some began to point the finger at the president.
Three thousand 700 hours of recording time, which President stubbornly refused to grant the prosecutor’s office, even when he was in the balance of impeachment. However, the Supreme Court of the United States in June 1974, unanimously determined that the president does not have such privileges, and ordered him to give the film the prosecutor’s office. After listening to the tape, even the fiercest supporters Nixon had no doubt of his guilt.
Details of the scandal remembered NTV correspondent Julia Vasil .
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