Elected in Moscow, the new president of COSPAR (International Committee on Space Research) American Len Fisk summed up the conference of the same name, spoke about future plans, and the exploration of Mars called the current political situation in the world of cool war.
In the Moscow State University completed a major international conference COSPAR (Committee on Space Research – International Committee on Space Research), traditionally brings together thousands of researchers from dozens of countries who work in the field of astrophysics, space application , space biology and medicine. This conference was the Jubilee, the 40th in a row, and for the first time held in Moscow. COSPAR – one of the key organizations in international space cooperation. It was established in October 1958, shortly after the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. At the end of the conference committee COSPAR elected its new president. They became a professor of physics of the Sun and heliosphere Len Fisk University of Michigan.
– You for the first time in Russia?
– No, the first time I was in Russia in 1987 on the launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome spacecraft “Phobos”. Then I did the first time witnessed the launch of the missile.
– Tell us about the outcome of the conference COSPAR 2014.
– The Conference of COSPAR has been around for 56 years, and we meet every two years to take stock of our work. This COSPAR went very well, and most importantly – productive: we talked a lot and a lot of listening.
The main thing that the conference demonstrated – is something that is capable of the global scientific community: Our work does not depend on any geo-political decisions it is above this.
COSPAR Mission is to provide a platform for scientists to discuss the research findings and help space agencies in the implementation of projects and national programs. The global objective of COSPAR – space security of our planet under the global agreement on the peaceful use of outer space.
– What is meant by space security?
– When we ship missiles, satellites and probes into space, we must be sure that terrestrial microorganisms will not harm other cosmic bodies. And of course, we need to prevent space threats.
– What will be your first steps as a new director of the committee?
– First and foremost, my goal – develop a vision and strategy for the development of our organization. Unable to determine what to do without having a strategy.
– What memorable performances you more than anything in this assembly?
– Of course, the most memorable interdisciplinary lectures and lecture especially with the results of the mission “Plank».
Well, who can forget the arrival of “Rosetta” to the comet?
Four years ago, when the conference was planned only in Russia, I could not even think that would be such a good luck and we will be able to intercept the comet.
– How did the arrival of sanctions for scientists to COSPAR?
– They influenced the leadership of some countries that have chosen not to send their representatives, but the United States is does not apply. US-Russian cooperation in the space sector is very strong. Scientific Assembly this year is no different from all previous ones, and the absence of some scientists had no impact on the scientific quality of the event.
– Is it possible to compare the “cold war” with the current geopolitical crisis?
– During the “cold war” the United States imagined the Soviet Union as a terrible country, and now when everyone knows that is a Russian, compare these two periods can not be.
There are two fundamental differences: in the 70s was the arms race, and are now facing the economy.
The dynamics of these two contradictions are totally different, I would call this period is not cold, but cool.
– Has the main topics of discussion COSPAR 2016, and where he will take place?
– Assembly COSPAR 2016 will be held in Istanbul. If you look at the range of programs of this conference, we can see that it covers all the areas of space science, and the next COSPAR will be the same.
– How will the space technology in 50 years?
– The question is very broad, and therefore I will answer fragmentary. In the area of my research, namely the study of the Sun and its activity, I can say that after half a century we have will definitely know exactly how the Sun affects the Earth.
If think about other disciplines, then I would hope that we still find life on other planets or celestial bodies.
I would like to terraform Mars. But in the United States there is a saying – “it’s above my pay” – so I think it will not happen in the next 50 years.
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