Amateur astronomers and amateurs pozagadyvat desire on the night of August 13 will be able to observe in the night sky an amazing phenomenon – the glow of the Perseids, that is a meteor shower. Hundreds of meteors in the night sky draws a bright line, will “fall” one after the other, sometimes at intervals of a few seconds.
According to ITAR-TASS referring to a junior research fellow of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN) Anna Kartashov, the area on the sky in the constellation Perseus, from where will “fly” meteors, located in the north-eastern part of the sky – 30 degrees to the left of the Moon .
According to her, the main peak of activity every year falls on August 12, but in 2013 another peak in August 9.
The origin of most of the observed meteor scientist unknown. But they know about the Perseids quite a lot. This stream is one of the most ancient and is mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles of the last century BC.
In the Earth’s atmosphere Perseid meteor particles are at a speed of 59 kilometers per second. The largest of them sometimes do not have time to burn completely and reaches the Earth.
This year’s Perseid coincided with superluniem. You could watch it on the night of August 11. It is possible that this year superlunie much hurt to see the glow of the Perseids.
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