Monday, August 11, 2014

The authorities will be obliged to enter the age of bloggers labeling – RBC

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Roscomnadzor autumn 2014 will clarify the requirements for bloggers that have arisen in connection with the entry into force of the law, to equate popular blogs in the media. One of the new responsibilities may be age-marking blogs, said “Russian newspaper” Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov.

According to him, after a month since the beginning of the registry Russian bloggers “will be understood that it is necessary to correct” . The head of the Ministry of Communications said that already has registered two of his blog – in Instagram and Twitter.

Act bloggers came into force on 1 August 2014. Amendments to the law “On Information” have been made “in order to streamline the exchange of information with the use of information and telecommunications networks.”

The document was first given the definition of a blogger. This is the “owner of the site and (or) the pages that host public information and access to which during the day is more than 3 thousand. Users of the Internet.” Thus, under the law theoretically subject any area with a daily audience of over 3 thousand. Persons. In addition, the law requires “the organizers of the dissemination of information” to store metadata about the users’ actions within six months.

The organizer of the dissemination of information is any platform where users can socialize, and their positions are in the public domain. This social networks and forums, and even instant messengers, according to representatives of Roskomnadzora. The term also applies to the so-called stand-alone blogs (ie, personal sites, which are located on a single resource, and not on social media platforms such as LiveJournal), where people leave comments. This, for example, talking about sites such as Alexei Navalny or Arseny Bobrovsky and Catherine Romanov.

What is the number of individuals affected by the law is unclear. Open statistics about how many in RuNet bloggers, including Twitter and Facebook, with a daily audience of three thousand., No. LiveJournal closed bloggers information about subscribers in April 2014, immediately after the State Duma adopted the law. In the profiles of all the bloggers and communities, which were signed more than 2.5 thousand. Users is now available pointer “2500 +”, but the actual number of visits was not disclosed. In LiveJournal preserved only the top most visited blogs – a day “for all time”, but in it the number of visits to the blogs were not disclosed. Your rating attendance blogs closed and “Yandex” – also in April 2014.

In the database counter LiveInternet, according to its founder, Herman Klimenko, there are about 500 bloggers who regularly attract over 3 thousand. Unique users . Holding Rambler & amp; Co., which owns the license for the Cyrillic services LiveJournal, separate statistics on the “three-thousander” does not hold. In March of this year “to” wrote with reference to LiveJournal, his audience exceeded 43 million unique users and bloggers with a subscription of more than 1 thousand. Readers among them only in 6918. Facebook and Twitter did not respond to a request to RBC. Evaluation Klimenko, on Facebook about 1.5 thousand. Bloggers with an audience of more than 3 thousand. Give estimates on Twitter he found it difficult.

Earlier, the government made it mandatory for social networks and other popular sites to install the hardware and software with which security services will be able to automatically receive information about user activity. Corresponding government decree №743 Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed on July 31.

This regulation specifies the provisions of the “law of the bloggers.” It states that sites must connect the hardware and software for the security forces. In this case, the decision prohibits the sites to disclose “organizational and technical methods of operational and search activities.” Who will pay for the installation of this equipment, the regulation does not specify. As stated by RBC “Yandex” and Group, the adoption of this resolution for Internet companies was unexpected.

Sergey Kanashevich

Bloggers-in-law: authors Russian Internet offers targeted attacks

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11 August 2014


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