Reptiles can successfully use touch screens. Red-legged turtle in Vienna learned to play electronic games in exchange for a treat, and Red-footed tortoise contained in the Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna learned to play games on their plates. Esme, Molly Quinn and Emily live in Austria, and 2 of them – Esme and Queen – figured out how to make a meal using the screen.
In half of the bugs had to touch the nose of the blue circle on the right, rather than on the left side of the screen. In the other half of the test they had to choose, on the contrary, the left rather than the right circle. If the choice was made correctly, the subjects received a treat. Monkeys, bears, penguins, and other fauna adore touch computer screens.
What can we say about cats, who are now under the paw and iPad. Experimentally proved that cats can easily use this device the size of a book. Before you Iggy, 6-year-old cat, who has always greatly interested in technological innovations.
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