Monday, December 22, 2014

Last night was the longest of the year – 54novosti.rf

The day before the sun rose on the lowest height above the horizon.

December 21 was the winter solstice. This is the shortest daylight hours of the year. Since December 22, the day begins to grow, but because of the astronomical winter comes.

After 6 hours, 3 minutes Novosibirsk time, when the sun went down as much as possible in the southern hemisphere, began the path to the spring equinox. That is daylight begins to be added. People say, “the sun in the summer and the winter – the cold».

The moment of the solstice annually shifts, since the duration of the solar year does not coincide with the calendar. Usually, the winter solstice falls on December 21 – 22.

In the XVI century in Russia in the winter solstice to the king came zvonarny warden in charge of the chimes. He reported that the sun turned on summer day is added, and the night is reduced. For the good news the king bestowed elder money.

Ancient Slavs in the day celebrating Kalyada. Bonfire, symbolizing the light of the sun, and ate a loaf – a round cake. In the longest night of the year was taken caroling, dress in costumes made of animal skins and horns and wonder.

In Scotland, on this day it was decided to run the “sun wheel” – a barrel, greased burning pitch. It was believed that such a “wheel” symbolizes heavenly body.

In ancient China believed that the winter solstice rises masculine strength and a new cycle begins. Everything from the emperor to the commoner went on vacation and celebrated. Closed the border fortresses and retail shops. People went to visit and gave each other gifts.

In India, Hindu and Sikh communities celebrate Sankranti. The night before the celebration ritual bonfires are lit, whose heat symbolizes the warmth of the sun warms the earth after the winter cold.


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