Photo: Lime / Vladimir Suvorov
Ministry of Culture wants to compensate operators costs they incur in the event of the introduction of a levy on Internet users benefits owners. It is expected that these will pay compensation organization that will manage the collective rights on the Internet. This provision is contained in the amendments to the Civil Code (CC), which Ministry of Culture December 18 sent for approval to the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications.
The bill introduces into the Ministry of Culture of the Civil Code provision on a global license. Copyright holder who uses such a license, in fact abandon the protection of objects of their copyright on the Web – Any Internet user can free to use these products. This free conditional truth: instead of every web user will be charged a monthly fee. Its size, if passed by the State Duma of the bill, the government will have to establish. As told in an interview to “News” co-author of the concept of global CEO of the Russian Union of license holders (FPR has been 1 percent charge on manufacturers of gadgets) Sergei Fedotov, a levy on Internet users will be about 25 rubles a month.
– In Russia, about 100 million subscribers of mobile Internet and about 30 million subscribers to wired broadband access. Accordingly, total revenue of copyright holders in the global licensing will be about 39 billion rubles a year (at the conventional course of 50 rubles to the dollar), – said in an interview Fedotov.
The money will collect a special organization that manages the collective rights in works with a global license. This organization will determine the government in the case of adoption of the law. The money will be distributed between the owners depending on the number of downloads and views of each piece.
To determine how often the web download or view specific movies, soundtracks, literary works, telecom operators (they are called the bill “ information intermediaries”) will have to analyze the user traffic. Interestingly, the new law does not apply to photos – in ak and have adopted anti-piracy law that came into force in May 2015.
Compensation for operators
To begin to monitor traffic and understand what downloads or viewed by the user, operators have to install expensive equipment. Ministry of Culture of the bill implies that the selected pravitelstovm organization managing the collective rights on the Internet compensates for the costs. The size and order of this compensation should establish government.
According to the director of the analytical company TelecomDaily Denis Kuskova, in Russia there are approximately 1,500 providers of broadband access (broadband) in the network, and about a dozen operators offering wireless the internet. An optimistic forecast costs a company would be the order of several million rubles, according to pieces. In total, this about 3 billion rubles for the all operators in Russia and.
Chairman of the Board of the Fund for Assistance to technology and Internet infrastructure Dmitry Burkov sounded more pessimistic forecasts. According to him, in the first year of implementation of the law to one service provider will have to invest approximately $ 2.5 million (the cost of equipment, installation, maintenance of the system). Plus annually will have to re-buy new equipment, to maintain speed network at a good level, and the cost of maintaining and will be permanent.
While there is no precedent of such compensation, so it is difficult to understand how this will, in practice, says the operator “Acad” Denis Rychka.
– Purchases of equipment is small, there are maintenance costs – he recalls. – Maintenance costs are sometimes more expensive than the very “iron.” Furthermore, any filratsiya content affects the rate of data transmission. We need to understand how to keep those customers for technical parameters that we were promised.
– does not really matter exactly who pays the equipment and its installation: in any case, such a content filtering contrary to the law the mystery of communication and can significantly reduce the speed of Internet access for users, – says Dmitry Solodovnikov MTS representative.
The authors of the concept of global licenses do not object to the provisions of the bill, according to which rights management organization must compensate cost carriers, said “News” a source close to the FPR.
For the three months before the premiere of
All films, literary works and sound recordings the web automatically fall under a global license, ie the internet they can be used free of charge. If the owner wants to bring the product of a global license, he will have to write an application to the organization for collective management of rights on the Internet.
“The right holder may at any time withdraw the rights belonging to him from an accredited institution management and independently manage and protect their rights on the Internet “, – said Fedotov in an interview to” News “.
According to the bill the Ministry of Culture, the organization will consider this statement up to three months. Fedotov told “Izvestia” said that it is this mechanism can use the film company to a new film not to be in the public domain in the network simultaneously with the premiere in theaters. That estm, film companies will predprezhdat Organization for collectins rights management on the Internet about their future prime minister for three months.
Manufacturers of film and music ambiguous otnoslis to the idea of global licenses .
– We believe that the state should focus on building a system in which the current civil revolution will continue, – says CEO of Universal Music Russia Dmitry Konnov, – that is, we will remain the owners, investors, tax payers, employers, and will not receive some recompense, the dimensions of which are set out for our interests and investments.
The deputy head of the Ministry of Communications, said Alexei Volin “News” that his agency is not going to discuss the details of the implementation of global licenses.
– We are not against the individual formulations. We are against the idea in principle, and do not agree on the bill in any way – said, “Izvestia” Wolin. – We basically say, let’s discuss the law, how best to have children. We answer, we’re not going to discuss the ways and rules of eating children, because children can not eat at all. Global license – an absolute evil that damages both the media and connected industries, the Internet. Participate in an attempt to legalize the absolute evil, we will not.
“The problem of piracy requires a systematic and comprehensive solution – Fedotov said in an interview with” Izvestiya “. – Authorities in many countries increasingly recognize the need to combat piracy is not by coercion to renounce the use of illegal content, and by introducing new business models “.
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