Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What awaits the earthlings in 2015: parade of planets, eclipses and dangerous asteroid – Express-News

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24.12 | 21:38

A lot of interesting people on Earth are waiting in the upcoming 2015. Detailed forecast cosmic events have provided the world Ural scientists. According to their information we will have a few solar and lunar eclipses, which can be partially seen in different parts of the world.

The nearest serious astronomical event is that on January 26 at a distance of 1.2 million. Km from Earth pass a dangerous asteroid. Its diameter is more than 1 km, and hence it is very destructive. Engineer training Observatory Vladilen Sanakoev said on this subject: “The exact path of movement I have not seen, but it can be observed in the northern latitudes. In January, together with the asteroid specialists will be able to see and meteor showers – Quadrantids and gemenidy ».

And in autumn we will have a small parade of planets is when Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury will be on one line. Also a very interesting event.

A NASA begins to implement a project to send astronauts to the surface of the asteroid. Not yet decided how it will achieve this, but most likely part of the asteroid will try to move on the lunar orbit. The preparation and implementation of the project will take approximately 5 years.


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