Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ten of the best scientific discoveries in 2014 – NetNewz.ru

In the journal Science published a list of the most significant discoveries of the outgoing 2014. This scientific discoveries in various fields.
Topping the list is a successful landing space module “Phil” on the comet Churyumov – Gerasimenko, which was due to a lot of new valuable information.
Opening the connection between dinosaurs and birds is the second place. Precisely because of this scientific discovery, we learned about the origin of birds and have been restored gaps in this regard stages of evolution.
Third place for the process of rejuvenation of old mice by the blood of animals their young counterparts.
Next on the list are the creators of intelligent robots, operating without external control. Open archaeologists drawings, age 40 thousand. Years, as well as chips, recreating the human brain continues to this list. Medicine has proved itself in the discovery of the ability of stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes.
List goes on discoveries in the field of genetics. Known letters of the genetic code (A, C, T and G) added two more – X and Y. In the future, this discovery will allow them to apply for encoding artificial proteins.
This year, found on Saturn – Enceladus ocean under the ice brought new information: under the ice there is the ocean salty liquid water.

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