Sunday, December 21, 2014

MTS: we remove virus programs with our phone subscribers – The Jewish Times

Mobile virus – a loose concept, because some believe that they are not as damaging as the computer, which is not quite truth. It often happens that a malicious program on your smartphone can cost you a “state” with which decided to fight Russian operators. So, were the first to MTS, and behind them – MegaFon and VimpelCom.

In recent years, the owners of mobile devices and smartphones are increasingly complaining about viruses and spam mailings from unknown operators. These statements have not been in vain, as a consequence, Russian operators started an active campaign to detect and uninstall viruses.

The first company to protect users got MTS, which is representative of Igor Solodovnikov said that they plan to identify malware and remove them. Now a number of works carried out by definition of malicious Internet traffic, including spam detection in the form of SMS and many other pressing problems to analyze. However, Solodovnikov prefer not to disclose all the information referring to the fact that hackers and virus writers it can be a key clue. But also noted that the planned introduction of automatic service, whose main task will be to inform the user of a threat.

Following the example was followed by MTS “VimpelCom” and “MegaFon”, the second and all said that the first year a software that ensures the identification and viruses. As for the mobile operator “VimpelCom”, their representative said that now held testirovka new product to combat the virus attacks.

As you know, there are two of the most common software for mobile devices – iOS and Android. Experts say that the latter is more susceptible to virus attacks and programs, rather than the OS from Apple, so the owners of Samsung, Lenovo, Moto and other popular smartphones should osterigatsya first. It is also known that the damage from the effects of mobile viruses as much against viruses for your PC. For example, the various programs can automatically sign you to a paid newsletter, empty bankosvkie and credit accounts, call the toll-premimum rooms and, in other words, harm your device and wallet.


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