Tuesday, May 19, 2015

In Turkey, we printed the 3D-printer for a new beak turtles – Elektronni Visti

19.05.2015, 13:03

In Turkey, a turtle that suffered a collision with a boat, attached a new beak, print it on a three-dimensional printer.

The beak, made of titanium, replaces the turtle’s jaw, half of which was cut off in the collision of a boat propeller.

Detailed images obtained by scanning turtles, allowed to construct a titanium prosthesis.

If the prosthesis will not be cut off the body tortoises soon the time it is released into the sea.

45-pound loggerhead sea turtle (another name – loggerhead) was found on the shore of a severe injury and taken to a research center turtle rescue and rehabilitation of Pamukkale University in the Turkish city of Denizli.

At first, the center staff brought her a feeding from the hands, but soon they realized that in order to turtle could subsist very necessary radical treatment.

The Centre contacted the Turkish company BTech Innovation known for its prostheses, custom-made.

Experts BTech studied the images obtained by scanning center staff turtles and manufactured titanium beak that it went perfectly.

Thus was restored the ability of the turtle to eat on their own. Turtle named Cleopatra plastic shell made of engineering students of Colorado

The turtle, called acute accent-3, is now undergoing rehabilitation. Center staff are going to make sure that the prosthesis and caught the turtle got used to their titanium jaw.

3-acute accent is not the first turtle, a three-dimensional prosthesis. In March, a student of the Technical University of Colorado at Denver has made for a plastic turtle shell, after her own had come into disrepair due to poor nutrition. This was reported by the BBC.


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