01.03.2016 00:57
Leading scientists from the USA, Holland, Sweden and Germany have managed to create a prototype of a “living and breathing” biological megakompyutera, informs ” Science News ».
The researchers it took seven years of work that would eventually be able to describe in detail the mathematical model of a supercomputer, operating on the principle of a living organism. Read the seven years of operation of the business enthusiasts can in a paper published in the scientific journal «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences». The authors report that after a lot of trial and failure, they were able to successfully create a functioning prototype that almost all indicators different from other prototypes. Its main advantage is the small size.
The processor supercomputer at times less than conventional processor computer, it is only 1.5 cm. Another important advantage is that it does not get hot and consumes a minimum of energy, such results have been achieved thanks to the use of proteins. The supercomputer runs on adenosine triphosphate, is the chemical compound that provides energy to the cells of living beings. According to Professor Dan Nicolau from McGill University, the work scheme is very similar to the scheme of traffic on city streets. Just as the city’s own fuel move cars through the channels of the microchip move molecules.
But in cases of bio-computers, fuel for their movement is adenosine triphosphate, and the molecular mechanism of energy supply in the processor can be compared with the process of a living organism breathing. Due to the fact that all processes in the chip controlled biological agents, bio-computers does not heat up during operation. The study’s authors believe that their development is a revolutionary invention and the first step on the way to an era of “breathing” bio-computers, the basis of the work which are living cells. Over time, this breakthrough will help reduce the amount of energy consumed as well as the size of computers, significantly increasing productivity.
«Our main task is to develop ideas and to make all the processes more practical, for example, by using different biological agents », – says Dan Nicolau. – «We have to solve a lot of problems, the main of which is a combination of biological supercomputer with a conventional computer to create a hybrid computing system. The fact that only recently seemed unreal, becomes a reality. »
Create a full bio-computer is not feasible, but it is real, scientists say in the near future.
Note biocomputer is a computer that functions as a living organism, or contains biological components. Creating a bio-computers based on molecular computing direction. As the computational elements used proteins and nucleic acids, which react with each other.
When creating any technique, people always compared myself to her, I was able to look at themselves as if from outside. With the development of cybernetics and the creation of computer scientists have fantastic ideas about the creation of human similarity and machines capable of performing information functions, mathematical expressions, logic operations, accumulation of numeric, text, sound and art-graphic data. Artificial computer becomes man rival and ally intelligence.
In 1966, the book John. Von Neumann’s “Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata”, it describes the theory of cellular automata, which are capable of self-reproduction, similar to a living cell.
In 1994 Edlman the experience has shown that the DNA molecule can solve computational problems, and those that represent the greatest difficulties for traditional computers. Since then, the story develops DNA computing.
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