Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Media learned about the failure of the GLONASS satellite – RBC

The layout of the Russian spacecraft series« Glonass-K » Photo” RIA Novosti »

One of the Russian GLONASS satellite system is out of order, a source told Tass in the space industry. According to him, the device has received mechanical damage

One of the Russian GLONASS satellite system is out of order. This Tass said a source in the space industry. He said that it is a spacecraft №738. According to the source, the satellite is out of order due to mechanical damage

«On Thursday [18 February],” Roscosmos “commission must make a decision on its withdrawal from the system”, -. He added

According to him, in place of the damaged satellite unit №736 be transferred is expected to happen in early March. “In place of the 736-th unit is a satellite orbital reserve – spacecraft” GLONASS K “number 702″, – he explained

It is noted that the failure of the satellite occurred a few weeks before the planned transfer of the GLONASS system. Ministry of Defence operation. Earlier it was reported that the transfer must take place before the end of February

GLONASS -. Russian global navigation satellite system, GPS analog. Now GLONASS constellation consists of 28 satellites, 22 of which are used for their intended purpose. Three vehicle temporarily removed for maintenance, one satellite is in the commissioning phase and should begin in early March. Another unit is the chief designer of the study, and one passes a stage of flight tests.

Initially, the GLONASS system should be put into operation in the Ministry of Defense back in 2012, but the military department any comments to the system, in particular to the manufacture of parts and resupply of ground facilities equipment.

at the beginning of December 2015 the director of “Russian space systems” (RCC) Andrei Tyulin said that the work on creation of the GLONASS completed and the system is handed over to the Ministry of Defence for the final test.


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