Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sound sleep – instead of dieting: how many hours of sleep is necessary to lose weight – Newspaper Vladivostok

Scientists at Harvard University conducted an experiment

Whether it is possible to stabilize the weight with the help of a strong, healthy
 Sleep, 10 years scientists have found out Harvard University, RIA VladNewsso
 Referring to

It turned out, it can be ascertained and the 130 women of different
 age, who participated in the experiment, scientists. For the normal course of
 metabolic processes in the human body need to sleep at least 6.5
 hours per day. It is found at Harvard in the course of monitoring the state of sleep and
 health test volunteers. Those who adhered to proper sleep
 - Reduced the risk of developing diabetes type 2 and risk of obesity to 45 percent

The subjects, who systematically violate the time.
 sleep, increased risk of obesity, which is associated with an overnight fast. failure
 circadian rhythms of sleep causes the production of large amounts of hormones,
 provoking appetite. Failure to sleep reduces the sensitivity to
 insulin and the emergence of body fat.

In the study, experts found that any
 the smallest snack before bed brings the body an extra dose of calories

Note to users of gadgets:. during playback
 social networks, such as a monitor light blocking melatonin production and leads to
 disturbed sleep. Fat begins to accumulate in the body after four days with
 wrong sleep mode.

In addition, people who observe this mode can
 get rid of excess weight twice as fast as those who ignore the

Scientists recommend a schedule, according to the
 that you will to bed and get up at a certain time of day. In the room
 need to tightly close the curtains before going to bed, it is desirable to ventilate the room,
 get rid of the gadgets and electronics for half an hour to rest. This not
 Only healthy sleep, and reduce excess weight.


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