Sunday, February 21, 2016

Riddle evolution: why people chin? – Express-News

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There are many different versions as to why the man’s chin, but at closer look, none of them is not wealthy. What is the purpose of this, it would seem, is not too important element of our face? Correspondent BBC Earth has decided to conduct its own investigation

All people have a chin, a more or less manifest, but … always clearly useless

In some chin strong, strong-willed, others -.. Soft and even double … But what kind of function it performs in our life?

the thing is, none of us do not seem to enjoy his chin usefully.

even more confusion makes the fact that, even among primates (including our closest relatives, the Neanderthals) chin gave some reason only one kind, homo sapiens (wise man).

But this projection on the face to us I surrendered, in fact? Over the past century, scientists have proposed several hypotheses. However, most likely, on the true purpose of the chin, none of them really knows for sure.

Arrange some of the most interesting theories will help us to review the literature that exists on this subject.

“They [ chins] some strange, that, in fact, and drew my attention to them, – says James Pempush from Duke University in the US Durham (North Carolina), a scientist, not a single year spent studying the bottom of the human face -. and no one has yet put forward a convincing hypothesis as to why among all the species of mammals chin, there is only the species homo sapiens. “

In his recently published Pempush report tried to solve this given to us by nature intricate task.

we have some idea of ​​what the chin. Yet it would be superfluous to give here a concise definition.

Simply put, this is a projection along the lower edge of the jaw-bone man. No other mammal chin no protrusion. Chimpanzees and other apes, such as the jaw downwards chamfered.

As the findings of the archaeological excavations, coming our relatives, the Neanderthals, too, had no chin.

Its presence or absence in the skeleton person is used therefore as one of the main criteria of the differences homo sapiens homo neanderthalensis.

“This is exactly what makes the appearance of the chin in the anatomy of modern man [ie homo sapiens] so interesting. you can respectively , suggest that the behavior or eating habits of modern (in the sense of the anatomical structure) human ruptured with Neanderthals, which led to the appearance of the chin “, – says Zaneta Thayer of the University of Colorado, in the US Denver

<. p> The research community has not yet come to a consensus about the function of the chin, but in recent decades in this regard have been nominated three prominent hypotheses.

With them easier to chew?

One speculation is that our chin supposedly helps us to chew food.

According to this hypothesis, people need more bone in order to cope with the pressures, paired with chewing.

However, by comparing man with apes, which jaws have a similar shape, we see that this explanation is not satisfactory.

When we chew our jaws apart like a wishbone, and what they are farther apart , the weaker the force of these bones.

So if indeed there was a need to help the person cope with related chewing loads would be more logical to look if more bone is formed not under the jaw, and on its inner wall near with the language.

This is the case in chimpanzees and macaques. They have at their disposal so-called simian projection, ie bone on the side facing the tongue of the lower jaw.

We do not have such a bone. And the one that forms the chin does not make our bone structure more sturdy and therefore better suited for chewing.

Pempush recalls that, generally speaking, chewing food does not make us much trouble. After all, modern man eats mostly soft, thermally processed food

From this he concludes. “The chin should not be considered part of evolutionary adaptation to facilitate chewing process”

The researcher Flora Gröning out. University of the Scottish city of Aberdeen, UK, agrees with this statement.

Five years ago, she has built a computer model to investigate the mechanical load on the mouth, chin and without.

on based on the results of his study she concluded: “The suggestion that the chin is the result of mechanical adaptation, clear evidence is not”

it helps to talk

According to the second hypothesis, the chin helps to tell us.? since actively involved in speech language needs reinforcement in the form of additional bones under the lower jaw.

But, again, for the speech does not need much power, so not very clear why a person more bone.

But even if it was necessary, then, as in the case of chewing for speaking it would be much more useful “fasten” not another bone to the bottom of the jaw, and the inner portion thereof closer to the tongue.

he helped lure?

The third hypothesis is that the chin there is no immediate function, and there was it as a result of sexual selection as an evolutionary adaptation.

in nature examples of such adaptations may be branched antlers of male elk or high cheekbones orangutan.

Both of these features were favored individuals of the opposite sex when selecting a partner for mating. Which ensured the stability of these traits in future generations, even if no direct benefit.

And here again there is a problem, says Pempush. In all other mammalian species trait selected from sexual selection appears only in one sex. A chin has both men and women.

According Pempusha three above hypothesis untenable, and no one yet knows exactly why we need a chin: “Anyone who says he knows, on the really disingenuous “.

Most of the hitherto proposed collapses hypotheses on closer examination, and some just can not be tested, according to the American researcher.

it turns out that we, unfortunately, no closer to understanding why the man’s chin.

And yes, chins seem to us not very functional. But then, it may be wise to go to the other side and examine why they are so prominent?

This is the result of reducing our face?

The chin may be maladaptive element which has emerged as a byproduct another product, the actual adaptation.

This idea was expressed in 1979 by biologists Stephen Gould and Richard Lewontin. They compared the jaw so that the architecture is called antrvoltom (or spandrel).

This is an architectural element in the dome of the building, which is often decorated with so elaborate, it seems that it was he, and is the starting point of the whole project.

In fact, antrvolty exist only because they are helping to support the dome. In other words, antrvolty – architectural or biological – are, in fact, by-products of some other, more significant changes

“Antrvolt” we have to face may become so convex due to the fact. it decreased in size, says Nathan Holton from Iowa State University in the US.

According to him, his chin was formed due to the reduction of the human skull.

at the homo sapiens species lower jaw weaker what was our extinct relatives of the hominin subfamily.

in the course of evolution, humans have conquered the fire and learned to cook their own food, and then they have eliminated the need for strong jaws. As a result, the total fortress jaw actually declined as unnecessary.

In the course of evolution in humans change and other anatomical characteristics. For example, missing protruding brow, but there was a depression under the cheekbones, called “canine fossa”.

It is also associated with a decrease in the face, said Holton. “The presence of the chin, possibly also a consequence of this change and then understanding its function is reduced to an explanation of the reasons for reducing the size of a human face.”

Flora Gröning like this idea.; She adds that the chin may need to support our once very strong mandibles

“Neanderthals and homo erectus (” upright man “) had a strong jaw;. they had enough powerful bone in the area of ​​the chin, and their additional thickening is not required “-.. she notes

The modern (anatomically) person, on the other hand, the bone is very thin

” The chin may provide additional resistance to maintain the mechanical strength, but the overall strength it does not increase. “

Just a coincidence?

On the other hand, the appearance-antrvolta chin may be due to some random event or accident, and not a byproduct of some useful adaptations in other parts of the face

“I doubt that this adaptation” -. Pempush says. However, he said, and the first part of the statement – if the chin was caused due to accident – is also proved by nobody. “We currently do not have the appropriate tools”.

to the event understanding key evolution

However, if none of the hypotheses regarding the appointment of the chin does not give a satisfactory explanation, and we do not can prove the theory antrvolta, why then Pempush many years engaged in this topic?

Although chins really quite strange look, their study helps to highlight those evolutionary processes through which modern humans are arranged just so and not otherwise.

the research in this area also show that evolution – a piece rather diverse

in addition, some characteristics of a person, in the biological world -. it is very rare


Most of our existing features can be found in other species. So chin not only stands out for people on the face, but also sets them apart from all other mammals, including great apes.

And the study of how it arose, can give us the key to understanding other evolutionary events leading the appearance of species homo sapiens.

Source BBC


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