Monday, February 29, 2016

Scientists have found proof of extraterrestrial origin of life on Earth – Rosbalt.RU

February 29, 2016, 09:24 | Science | space | aliens

 Russian scientists from the Institute of Paleontology. A.A.Borisyaka RAS found in the wreckage of a meteorite microorganisms, whose age is about the same as Earth’s. In their view, this is yet another confirmation of the hypothesis that life on Earth was brought from space.


 Under an electron microscope, scientists discovered protozoa, whose age is more than 4 billion years old, inside the meteorite, which is believed to be bounced from Mars.


 Cosmic distances bacteria can travel inside comets, frozen in ice. This assumption is confirmed by scientific experiments in Antarctica, in permafrost and in the open space. Microorganisms found in the cosmic dust that has settled on the skin of the ISS, pass “Vesti».


 Previously it was thought that radiation and temperature extremes are killed all living things. The space laboratory samples were compared with the earth: it turned out that in orbit, there are the so-called extreme bacteria that live on Earth in hot springs and volcanic lava

 The researchers concluded that our planet was planted protozoa under massive bombardment of comets at the very beginning of its development.


 Recently, European and astrophysicists have discovered evidence of the origin of life in space. The gas cloud, which is located in the center of our galaxy, at a distance of 26 thousand light years, they found special molecules that are part of the DNA.


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