Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Scientists have specified an appearance on Earth of oxygen – REGNUM

Beijing, 17 May 2016, 13:28 – REGNUM An international team of scientists from the Earth Sciences of the University (China), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) has set a precise date of occurrence in the Earth’s atmosphere more oxygen volumes, reports Science Advances.

According to scientists, about 2.33 billion years ago the Earth’s atmosphere in appreciable volumes appeared oxygen. For saturation of the atmosphere needed from 1 to 10 million years. The researchers concluded that even 2.45 billion. Years ago in an oxygen atmosphere of the Earth was very little. It is produced by cyanobacteria and immediately actively absorbed by the existing microorganisms or react with other elements.

To find out the time oxygen was able to scientists beginning of Earth’s atmosphere saturation, applying early Paleoproterozoic analysis of soil samples for concentrations of sulfur isotopes. Mass-dependent distribution of isotopes in a material produced only in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, the “Great oxygen events” can be set in identifying the boundaries of transition from one isotope to another distribution measures.

Such a boundary has been identified in sediments from South Africa. Their analysis allowed us to determine the time of a sharp saturation of the Earth’s oxygen atmosphere with an accuracy of up to 7 million. Years.

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