Monday, August 1, 2016

Russian scientists have found that in the coming decades Anapa rerash not threatened erosion – Rambler News Service

When a reasonable human activities rerash erosion of Anapa – a sand spit about 47 km long, which stretches from Anapa to Cape Iron Horn on the Taman Peninsula – is not threatened, the article said Russian scientists, published in the Journal of Oceanology.

This is the conclusion the authors came by examining aerial photographs and satellite images. “This paper presents the methodology and results of the study of the dynamics of displacement coastline Anapa rerash based on the analysis of archival and contemporary satellite imagery and aerial photography. It was revealed that along the coast of Anapa rerash there are several areas of erosion (retreat edge is greater than 70 m in 50 years) and relatively stable area in the central part of rerash “- said a senior researcher at the South Branch of the Institute of Oceanology behalf PP Vyacheslav Shirshov RAS Krylenko.

The data to refine and detail the dynamics of shoreline rerash Anapa, which is important for understanding lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone and to develop further development forecast Geosystems rerash. The main lithodynamic developments in the area of ​​Anapa rerash refers migration of sand material along the coast and its redistribution between the bottom, the beach and dunes. The rate of erosion of a certain area of ​​the coast affected by wave action and sediment budget sandy.

It has been established that there is no threat at the moment Anapa rerash as a natural object, and in the absence of amplification of human impact it will exist even ten years. But for its preservation are necessary limits of human economic activity. For example, the extraction of sand or the creation of obstacles to its free movement. . Studies of the dynamics of growth and erosion of the shoreline give reasoned answers to questions about the possible consequences of human activities for Anapa rerash

«Anapa spit with extensive beaches is the most important recreational resources of the resort of federal significance – the city of Anapa. From the ecological and sustainability depends on the sea coast, the socio-economic condition of not only the city of Anapa, but also all of the Krasnodar Territory. This study allows to significantly increase the efficiency of the developed environmental measures and improve spatial planning scheme, “- said Krylenko



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