Tuesday, August 2, 2016

US scientists have determined that the female orgasm is no longer needed – Rosbalt.RU

 Scientists from Yale University (USA) have explained the evolutionary origin of the female orgasm. And they came to the conclusion that women orgasm in principle not necessary on the basis of his research.

 Professor Günter Wagner said that the representative of the genus of homo, the ancestors of modern women, ovulation required for stimulation of the sexual organs. Only after orgasm egg follicles left and fell into faloppievy tube, where it can be fertilized.

 In some species of animals, such as camels, cats, rabbits and ferrets fertilization still happens that way.

 Stimulation is released into the body of prehistoric female hormones that trigger ovulation and as a side effect of causing short-term euphoria.

 However, thousands of years of evolution have abolished this rule: now the human egg is released by itself, without stimulation. This fact makes the female orgasm rudimentary function, said an American expert.

 Professor Wagner studied hormones that females emit different animals during mating. In most cases, it is – oxytocin and prolactin, causing a pleasant sensation and triggering ovulation, according to “Popular Mechanics»



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