On the night of 10 August 11, the Russians were able to observe a rare astronomical phenomenon. Social network users actively photographed and published a huge moon images on your pages on the web.
In Moscow, the full moon occurred on August 10 at 22:09. Magnitude of the moon that night and brightness of the night lights were more than average mortality Full Moon by about 30%. The sky over Moscow superluniya night was cloudless, allowing easily enjoy the great disk of the moon. Active users of social networking with pleasure photographing astronomical phenomenon and share with your friends unique pictures.
The most fortunate residents of St. Petersburg. In the northern capital superlunie struck by its scale, it can be observed from 21:00 to 22:00. Then large round disk night lights slowly lowered into the Neva , allowing witnesses to capture the red moon on the background of historic cathedrals and small houses of St. Petersburg.
Also, watch the giant moon was lucky to residents of Ulyanovsk. They do not even experience marred clouds that occasionally overlap it. The light emerges from behind the clouds and delighted observers with its size and unusual for a satellite color. Not remain aloof from this event Ulyanovsk photographers – both professionals and amateurs. Most amazing pictures can be found on blogs witnesses.
Recall that superlunie occurs when a full moon coincides with the moment of closest approach of the planet and its satellites. In this case, the moon appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter. This year, the astronomical phenomenon came to an end, but September 28, 2015 Russian residents can once again see the huge burning disc of the moon, hanging over the city.
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