Yesterday, Russian President met with members of the Russian Union of Rectors and told them that Russia needs its ranking of universities and that troechnikov nothing to do in universities even for money. In addition, a special correspondent of “Kommersant” Andrei Kolesnikov – about who will be the next rector of Moscow State University.
Rectors’ Union – the organization of large and noisy. When they crowd poured out of the auditorium in the new building of Moscow State University library after the meeting at the section in the first second I thought it was in “Tale of Time Lost”: bearded men in glasses and with portfolios cheerful crowd, overtaking each other, rushed to the buffet, to catch or grab there eclair cake with cherries (with apples and they did not like, and they bite, disappointed postponed patty on a plate, showing signs colleagues: apples – not that, oh no it …). That is, as if they were bewitched, as if in fact they are – students who, even before the first CSE still grow and grow.
Putin they listened, however, alert and focused, but also happens when students come to such a teacher, they are afraid and are willing to make it clear to him that they sverhuvazhitelnoe attitude and even betrayed. But let only calls to ring out the change, they will be forgotten as some call it.
But no, they will not forget.
The President noted that the Russian system of higher education now operates more than 300 thousand. People, and showed that his mind is now mobilizing character:
– a whole army!
Vladimir Putin immediately rector said that about him that they still would have asked (and then again and again asked yet again).
– In accordance with the May decrees known (known them did he, Vladimir Putin.- A. K. ) 2018 salary of professors teachers should make – and I also do not forget – not less than 200% of the average wage in the relevant region of the Russian Federation. And these plans are certainly, we will strive to realize … despite the known difficulties – misspoke still Putin.
The last days of him when he talks about money, whenever it is necessary so stipulate.
Salary in high school was, according to him, an average of 45 thousand. Rub. in the first half, while in Moscow it is, “but I must say that there are many universities and, to be honest, and you know what I mean … 250 universities in Moscow. Experts who in this hall are to understand that the quality and quantity in this case is directly proportional to each other are connected. ”
for professionals who were not in the room, you can decipher: alluding apparently to the fact that in regions of weaker teaching.
Mr Putin suddenly violently reacted to those at school on triples and yet wants to university. In his opinion, troechnikov not even in place of paid universities. But is it enough examples when troechniki then moved fundamental science or just become a great people?
And if it comes to that, then do not look to whether the interest of the school diary Vladimir Putin?
President on his apparently still unaware of the school habit for people just in case the worst when they do questionable things (so if u make a mistake then in man, the better). Therefore, he believes that “when some universities enroll students with obviously inadequate knowledge, it is not just causing a lot of questions – like the race for entrants, and hence for funding, I must say bluntly, sometimes devalue the institution of higher education!”
At the end of his speech, the President said that he had promised the other day in Sochi students taking GTO norms and formed an association of sports clubs. He promised that he would ask the rectors support them on the ground. And this request for support took about half of his speech: speaking from the heart.
And that “this is a nationwide problem,” and that “this is not some razvlekushka.” And that “it is not only to save us some money and material resources on tablets (and apparently, it tozhe.- A. K. ), but the fact is that this indeed the future of our country. ”
But at student sports clubs now cloudless future.
The head of the Russian Union of Rectors Victor Sadovnichy only as “Dear!” Vladimir Putin did not name. And he had a good reason (besides other weighty).
The fact is that even the rectors in the buffet was full of pies with cherry has to completely fill, discussed among themselves in general only one theme: Will Victor Sadovnichy rector of Moscow State University (in expires December its next five-year period). According to “Kommersant”, the decision is left. Not a year, as some, and not three, as many and five, that is, as required by law. Because anything that is not according to the law (including unwritten), Victor Sadovnichy during his principalship not committed.
– The Tenth Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors, – said Victor Sadovnichy – certainly the most important event for the educational community. But for the life of the country no less!
downplay his role and the role of the union in the country’s life rectors Victor Sadovnichy just do not have the right (but against the background of the successful start-up “Bulava” on the eve of this event, and broadcast live on such a role essentially, it seems faded).
It should be verbatim, without cuts lead to begin performances Victor Sadovnichiy – no, not in front of the rectors primarily, and to Vladimir Putin:
– The priority attention of the State to education shows the recently adopted law on education and yours, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, meeting with us. We appreciate your participation in the two previous congresses of the Russian Union of Rectors. Only in the last three years has been more than ten meetings with us. Your presence today, Vladimir Vladimirovich., Says the same: about your constant attention to the education system. We express our gratitude. Thank you.
At the same time, he still managed to stop and break even.
After Victor Sadovnichy uttered another sentence: “I would like to briefly touch on six, in my view, the key …” – I thought it would come out from the library before dark.
It should bring a few more quotes: “The first – the quality of education.” “We need to learn to learn.” “Education – ties of the state.” “Need an intercollegiate electronic resource center” (and we are talking about a distance education). “Motivated by the choice of the trajectory young man” … And also worth a stop, if the reader “b” did not read before dark.
However, at some point, Victor Sadovnichy becomes very specific. This is because it came to bread.
– For many universities important opportunity to use for their assigned plots of land for their own development – said on.- That this building (biblioteki.- A. K. ) is constructed due to this interaction. However, there is a government decree N234, which is now prohibited to do so. We have asked the government to find a solution mechanism for the development of universities … may, in some cases (ie, not yet mastered properly around biblioteki.- A. K. ).
Special attention is given to problems of Victor Sadovnichy Russian language:
– Russian language – is an important brace in our multinational country .. . The return of the works – the right move, it is very true your decision, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich. We hope that in the future the role of the works will be even more significant.
In addition, Victor Sadovnichy offered to make a “national history” basic subjects at the time of USE and for school-leaving certificate:
– Every citizen of the country must know its history, preserve tradition, to love their land and be prepared to stand up for her.
The process of militarization of consciousness, therefore, did not pass and Victor Sadovnichiy. And how could bypass?
It was hard to think of something else. But the rector of Moscow State University has managed to do it. He offered to hold annual festivals university sports to “young people competed and would know each other.”
And the “sixth” he hit the international rating of the study.
– We are already accustomed to – admitted Rector – to h-index, impact factor titles highly rated journals and so on. Of course, you should be able to play on any of the fields and in bad weather, but we need an objective refereeing! We can not allow a scheme that someone researched them on specially devised procedure published and all – in Russia there is no science, no education!
Output, it was said, as well as in the economy – one: to create their ratings, our rating. And then measure ratings. But not now.
And it is impossible not to bring a final thought Victor Sadovnichiy:
– Let me thank you again, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, for participation in our work. We will try all that you said, all scheduled to perform.
took the moderators several sections, Vladimir Putin, something all the time ticked in his notebook to answer them. But in the end, and he focused mainly on the report of the rector of Moscow State University, and it was indeed memorable.
– We should think in advance, – Vladimir Putin agreed with one of the theses of the rector of Moscow State University – to talent from us is not leaked.
The promise to raise the salary to the faculty really do not seem very inspiring president. “We need to figure out – he said – and how much executives earn? The average composition? Where to spend money at all high schools?”
That is, it is proposed to seek opportunities for increased salaries in the universities themselves.
And he was aware that in fact a new round of discontent caused by the level of university salaries, not least the fact that dramatically increased the salary of teachers in schools. And the president even hinted that we should think about how to deal with this salary. Obviously, it will no longer grow as fast as before.
One of the rectors proposes to oblige the rectors support the refugees from the south-east of Ukraine (ie, take and keep them on favorable terms).
– I ask the Union of Rectors – Mr. Putin responded – no obligation. I know everyone who can, and so they will support their education.
The rector of one of the private high schools reported that the law does not allow universities to earn as much as they could, there are limitations.
– The university is not created in order to earn money – said Mr. Putin, to the applause of the rectors of universities budget – and to train specialists.
While it is certainly no worse than other known that people invest in private universities, to put it mildly, not least in order to make money.
And after one such application, but still supported by a storm of applause, many of those who are going to do this business, hunting something, sure, and propane.
The President agreed that Russia needs its own rating, as well as the fact that it – “a tool to combat the educational market.”
That is the rating and in fact is not created in order to measure them, and to measure them.
Andrei Kolesnikov