Friday, October 31, 2014

Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy insists on the inclusion in CSE history –

 & # x415; & # x413; & # x42D;


Victor Sadovnichy at the next congress of the Russian Rectors Union submitted a proposal to increase the number of mandatory EGE to three. Besides practiced today examinations in mathematics and Russian language, he wants to add a story.

Sadovchev explained to “Business Petersburg” that must necessarily be introduced in the framework of the CSE exam for the course “World History.” He stressed his knowledge of history is essential for every human being. This will help to fully love and appreciate their land and always be ready to defend it.

We note the recent fairly regularly rises the question of changing the amount and composition of objects CSE.
Repeatedly received data on the increase number of subjects, the need for language examinations and even the complete abolition of the USE due to inefficiency.

The most interesting proposal looks Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky. Omsk measures insisted on compulsory surrender of physics. Why is this subject so vital is not yet clear.

Opinions and feedback from our readers:


In the US, the ship crashed SpaceshipTwo, performing a test flight

Today, during the first test flight of an accident with ship SpaceshipTwo, created to perform suborbital flights. Such information has told the company-developer unit VirginGalactic. When making flight revealed serious anomalies, …

Samsung showed the latest smartphones for Self Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5

On Friday 31 October, Samsung lifted the veil of secrecy over their new smartphones that will continue beyond popular line called Samsung Galaxy A. For an overview of viewers were shown the latest models …

arrested in America director of JSC “TENEX” supply uranium from Russia

In the US detained the director Vadim Mycerinus “daughter” of “Tenex» TENAM Corp. This statement was made “Interfax” referring to a couple of sources of acquaintance with the problem. Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States also supports …

In the Baltic completed tests of the newest amphibious assault” Denis Davydov »

Even after a public trial of the latest transport boat” Denis Davydov. ” They took place in the Baltic Sea and the tasks envisaged for the transfer of troops. During testing of the ship, together with the crew of developers and representatives of …

Fano provide scientific institutions 101 billion. rubles

The Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (Fano) of Russia from January 1 this year allocated to subordinate institutions over hundreds of billions of rubles. This information provided a head of the organization Michael Kotyukov, raportuya before representatives …

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USE in history want to make mandatory in schools in Russia – “What’s happening?”

The story can become the third compulsory subject for CSE graduates of Russian schools. Such a proposal was received from Victor Sadovnichiy at the X Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors.

According Sadovnichiy history – a way to show the kids the way the people of our country. Also, this discipline has patriotic education to schoolchildren. Therefore Sadovnichii believes that story, too, must be made subject to the base of the USE.

It is well known that this is not the first time that questions arise about the number of required courses for the exams. So, in 2020, to the mandatory Russian and mathematics added English. A mayor of Omsk, for example, offers students necessarily pass physics.


Asteroid 2014 UR116, falling to the ground, could destroy Europe – News

of your page ->

As previously reported,, sent to our planet large asteroid named 2014 UR116.

According to astronomers, the body moves in its orbit, most likely involving a collision with Earth. Asteroid flies inside the solar system. His route is similar to the trajectory of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. He flies by planet, Venus and Mars, and is a real danger for the inhabitants of the earth.

The asteroid was recorded robotic telescope “Master” at a time when he flew past the planet Earth at a distance of approximately 1.496 million kilometers. Scientists have brought it to the list of potentially dangerous for mankind celestial bodies.

According to the scientists, in the case of asteroid 2014 UR116 on Earth can be destroyed entire cities. If it crumbles into the sea, the coastal cities will be flooded with a tsunami. In case of contact with a nuclear power plant, under the threat of death would be the whole of Europe.

It remains to rely on the assurances of scientists that in the next two years, meeting with dangerous asteroids we do not exactly threatening.

Author: mimoza


SpaceshipTwo crashed during a test flight in the US – RBC

Cuborbitalny ship SpaceshipTwo

Photos: Fotobank / Getty Images

During a test flight crashed suborbital ship SpaceshipTwo. “During the flight, found serious anomalies that have led to the loss of the ship,” – said in a statement.

The ship crashed near the spaceport Mojave in California, said Reuters. On board were two pilots. About that, if they managed to successfully land a parachute, no information.

The project involved SpaceshipTwo company Virgin Galactic, which is part of Virgin Group Richard Branson. This private manned suborbital ship mnogorazvogo use. Now he is in development – in 2006 it was first shown to the public. In 2010, the ship made a 6-hour test flight with a crew on board.


Scientists have discovered yet another threat to Earth asteroid – TV Center – Official website of TV channel

Tags: space scientists asteroid Earth

Russian scientists have discovered an asteroid that, in their opinion, can be dangerous for the Earth. At a diameter of 370 meters it more. How dangerous it is for our planet, will show up.

 Russian scientists have discovered another asteroid, which, in their opinion, can be dangerous for the Earth. In size it surpasses the famous asteroid Apophis, which can meet the planet in the coming decades.

 At a diameter of 370 meters it more. The meteorite has one of the telescopes, the scientists designed the University of Moscow. The telescope is part of the global network, which involves five observatories in Russia and several abroad.

 Over the past two years, robotic telescopes have opened 600 new objects. Following the Russian scientists, about 100 astronomers tracked the trajectory of the world discovered asteroids. And found that it moves between the three orbits – past Venus, Earth and Mars. Past our planet it takes place every three years.

 “It seems that this asteroid many billions of years ago was thrown from the asteroid belt, and now crosses three orbit – Mars, Earth and Venus. This is a group of asteroids. It is called the group of Apollo. It is surprising that it missed, so far no one has found” – said project director of the Global Network telescopes bots “Master” Vladimir Lipunov.

 How dangerous is discovered asteroid to Earth, will show up. However, for Apophis observed for 10 years, and still do not know at what distance from the Earth, it will pass – 5000 or 50 thousand miles.


Director of high school – Kommersant

Yesterday, Russian President met with members of the Russian Union of Rectors and told them that Russia needs its ranking of universities and that troechnikov nothing to do in universities even for money. In addition, a special correspondent of “Kommersant” Andrei Kolesnikov – about who will be the next rector of Moscow State University.

Rectors’ Union – the organization of large and noisy. When they crowd poured out of the auditorium in the new building of Moscow State University library after the meeting at the section in the first second I thought it was in “Tale of Time Lost”: bearded men in glasses and with portfolios cheerful crowd, overtaking each other, rushed to the buffet, to catch or grab there eclair cake with cherries (with apples and they did not like, and they bite, disappointed postponed patty on a plate, showing signs colleagues: apples – not that, oh no it …). That is, as if they were bewitched, as if in fact they are – students who, even before the first CSE still grow and grow.

Putin they listened, however, alert and focused, but also happens when students come to such a teacher, they are afraid and are willing to make it clear to him that they sverhuvazhitelnoe attitude and even betrayed. But let only calls to ring out the change, they will be forgotten as some call it.

But no, they will not forget.

The President noted that the Russian system of higher education now operates more than 300 thousand. People, and showed that his mind is now mobilizing character:

– a whole army!

Vladimir Putin immediately rector said that about him that they still would have asked (and then again and again asked yet again).

– In accordance with the May decrees known (known them did he, Vladimir Putin.- A. K. ) 2018 salary of professors teachers should make – and I also do not forget – not less than 200% of the average wage in the relevant region of the Russian Federation. And these plans are certainly, we will strive to realize … despite the known difficulties – misspoke still Putin.

The last days of him when he talks about money, whenever it is necessary so stipulate.

Salary in high school was, according to him, an average of 45 thousand. Rub. in the first half, while in Moscow it is, “but I must say that there are many universities and, to be honest, and you know what I mean … 250 universities in Moscow. Experts who in this hall are to understand that the quality and quantity in this case is directly proportional to each other are connected. ”

for professionals who were not in the room, you can decipher: alluding apparently to the fact that in regions of weaker teaching.

Mr Putin suddenly violently reacted to those at school on triples and yet wants to university. In his opinion, troechnikov not even in place of paid universities. But is it enough examples when troechniki then moved fundamental science or just become a great people?

And if it comes to that, then do not look to whether the interest of the school diary Vladimir Putin?

President on his apparently still unaware of the school habit for people just in case the worst when they do questionable things (so if u make a mistake then in man, the better). Therefore, he believes that “when some universities enroll students with obviously inadequate knowledge, it is not just causing a lot of questions – like the race for entrants, and hence for funding, I must say bluntly, sometimes devalue the institution of higher education!”

At the end of his speech, the President said that he had promised the other day in Sochi students taking GTO norms and formed an association of sports clubs. He promised that he would ask the rectors support them on the ground. And this request for support took about half of his speech: speaking from the heart.

And that “this is a nationwide problem,” and that “this is not some razvlekushka.” And that “it is not only to save us some money and material resources on tablets (and apparently, it tozhe.- A. K. ), but the fact is that this indeed the future of our country. ”

But at student sports clubs now cloudless future.

The head of the Russian Union of Rectors Victor Sadovnichy only as “Dear!” Vladimir Putin did not name. And he had a good reason (besides other weighty).

The fact is that even the rectors in the buffet was full of pies with cherry has to completely fill, discussed among themselves in general only one theme: Will Victor Sadovnichy rector of Moscow State University (in expires December its next five-year period). According to “Kommersant”, the decision is left. Not a year, as some, and not three, as many and five, that is, as required by law. Because anything that is not according to the law (including unwritten), Victor Sadovnichy during his principalship not committed.

– The Tenth Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors, – said Victor Sadovnichy – certainly the most important event for the educational community. But for the life of the country no less!

downplay his role and the role of the union in the country’s life rectors Victor Sadovnichy just do not have the right (but against the background of the successful start-up “Bulava” on the eve of this event, and broadcast live on such a role essentially, it seems faded).

It should be verbatim, without cuts lead to begin performances Victor Sadovnichiy – no, not in front of the rectors primarily, and to Vladimir Putin:

– The priority attention of the State to education shows the recently adopted law on education and yours, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, meeting with us. We appreciate your participation in the two previous congresses of the Russian Union of Rectors. Only in the last three years has been more than ten meetings with us. Your presence today, Vladimir Vladimirovich., Says the same: about your constant attention to the education system. We express our gratitude. Thank you.

At the same time, he still managed to stop and break even.

After Victor Sadovnichy uttered another sentence: “I would like to briefly touch on six, in my view, the key …” – I thought it would come out from the library before dark.

It should bring a few more quotes: “The first – the quality of education.” “We need to learn to learn.” “Education – ties of the state.” “Need an intercollegiate electronic resource center” (and we are talking about a distance education). “Motivated by the choice of the trajectory young man” … And also worth a stop, if the reader “b” did not read before dark.

However, at some point, Victor Sadovnichy becomes very specific. This is because it came to bread.

– For many universities important opportunity to use for their assigned plots of land for their own development – said on.- That this building (biblioteki.- A. K. ) is constructed due to this interaction. However, there is a government decree N234, which is now prohibited to do so. We have asked the government to find a solution mechanism for the development of universities … may, in some cases (ie, not yet mastered properly around biblioteki.- A. K. ).

Special attention is given to problems of Victor Sadovnichy Russian language:

– Russian language – is an important brace in our multinational country .. . The return of the works – the right move, it is very true your decision, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich. We hope that in the future the role of the works will be even more significant.

In addition, Victor Sadovnichy offered to make a “national history” basic subjects at the time of USE and for school-leaving certificate:

– Every citizen of the country must know its history, preserve tradition, to love their land and be prepared to stand up for her.

The process of militarization of consciousness, therefore, did not pass and Victor Sadovnichiy. And how could bypass?

It was hard to think of something else. But the rector of Moscow State University has managed to do it. He offered to hold annual festivals university sports to “young people competed and would know each other.”

And the “sixth” he hit the international rating of the study.

– We are already accustomed to – admitted Rector – to h-index, impact factor titles highly rated journals and so on. Of course, you should be able to play on any of the fields and in bad weather, but we need an objective refereeing! We can not allow a scheme that someone researched them on specially devised procedure published and all – in Russia there is no science, no education!

Output, it was said, as well as in the economy – one: to create their ratings, our rating. And then measure ratings. But not now.

And it is impossible not to bring a final thought Victor Sadovnichiy:

– Let me thank you again, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, for participation in our work. We will try all that you said, all scheduled to perform.

took the moderators several sections, Vladimir Putin, something all the time ticked in his notebook to answer them. But in the end, and he focused mainly on the report of the rector of Moscow State University, and it was indeed memorable.

– We should think in advance, – Vladimir Putin agreed with one of the theses of the rector of Moscow State University – to talent from us is not leaked.

The promise to raise the salary to the faculty really do not seem very inspiring president. “We need to figure out – he said – and how much executives earn? The average composition? Where to spend money at all high schools?”

That is, it is proposed to seek opportunities for increased salaries in the universities themselves.

And he was aware that in fact a new round of discontent caused by the level of university salaries, not least the fact that dramatically increased the salary of teachers in schools. And the president even hinted that we should think about how to deal with this salary. Obviously, it will no longer grow as fast as before.

One of the rectors proposes to oblige the rectors support the refugees from the south-east of Ukraine (ie, take and keep them on favorable terms).

– I ask the Union of Rectors – Mr. Putin responded – no obligation. I know everyone who can, and so they will support their education.

The rector of one of the private high schools reported that the law does not allow universities to earn as much as they could, there are limitations.

– The university is not created in order to earn money – said Mr. Putin, to the applause of the rectors of universities budget – and to train specialists.

While it is certainly no worse than other known that people invest in private universities, to put it mildly, not least in order to make money.

And after one such application, but still supported by a storm of applause, many of those who are going to do this business, hunting something, sure, and propane.

The President agreed that Russia needs its own rating, as well as the fact that it – “a tool to combat the educational market.”

That is the rating and in fact is not created in order to measure them, and to measure them.

Andrei Kolesnikov


“The probability superizverzheniya no less than a million years ago” – BBC

About how dedicated superizverzheniyam master thesis Novosibirsk student grew into a full article in the prestigious scientific journal Science, said the science department “Gazety.Ru».

Master’s thesis student at Novosibirsk State University Kayrly Dzhaksybulatova eventually graduated to full article in the prestigious scientific journal Science. Its results “Times” interviewed co-author articles, head of the Laboratory of seismic tomography of the Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics. AA Trofimuk Siberian Branch of RAS (IPGG SB RAS), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Ivan Kulakov.

– What is in your work?

– Caldera Toba – this place is the biggest in the last few million years of the eruption, which occurred 74 thousand. Years ago and led to the release of about 2,800 cubic meters. km species. Superizverzheny problem is one of the hottest in the Earth sciences.

Among the specialists actively discussed the question of how such a number of magmatic material could accumulate under the volcano.

Based on the results of the seismic survey, the crust at depths greater than 7 km is strongly anisotropic, indicating a pronounced layered structure in which alternate with horizontal bedrock towards the introduction of magmatic material. This confirms the assumption of other authors, who believe that the layered structure of the magma chamber is only possible under the supervolcano. In the upper crust directly beneath the caldera Toba anomaly with reduced seismic velocities and isotropic properties, which may coincide with the position of the huge crater depth of 5-7 km, resulting in an explosion of 70 thousand. Years ago.

– What are the methods used in this case? What is your contribution directly?

– The paper used a relatively new method of noise tomography, which was proposed several years ago by our co-author Nicholas Shapiro, and which has already gained popularity in many scientific centers of the world. This method is useful in the selection of seismic waves from the continuous recording of natural sound, with which you can explore the deep structure of the Earth.

A new feature of this work is the use of surface waves of two types, Rayleigh and Love, which allow to study separately the elastic properties in the vertical and horizontal directions. Based on the difference of seismic velocities obtained using these waves, we can conclude about the anisotropy of the Earth’s crust.

The main calculations were performed by the first author Kayrly Dzhaksybulatovym who began this work as undergraduates NSU and laboratory workers seismic tomography IPGG SB RAS. Ivan Kulakov has previously had experience with this supervolcano. In this work, he was actively involved in the geological interpretation of the results. Nicholas Shapiro – our countryman; currently works at the Institute of Physics of the Earth in Paris (IPGP).

That he suggested the use of surface waves to detect different types of radial anisotropy in the world.

– As the conclusions of the article will help geologists?

– A new method of analysis of seismic data proved to be extremely effective for the detection of seismic anisotropy in the crust. It is supposed to apply it in other areas of potential superizverzheny and assess the risk of such events.

– Where surveys conducted? Does your institution or Russian work was only abroad?

– Question superizverzheny has global importance.

If this scale eruption happened in the moment, it would change the life of mankind and all species on Earth. Therefore, on this issue are specialists from different countries.

In this paper, in addition to Russian scientists were involved experts from France and Germany, which have created algorithms and helped with their practical implementation for data Toba caldera. In addition, this work would not be possible without a network of seismic stations installed in the caldera forces Institute GFZ Potsdam. Calculations were carried out mainly in the Paris Institute of Physics of the Earth, where Kayrly Dzhaksybulatov was sent for training.

– What is the likelihood that superizverzhenie happen in our time?

– This is a problem that is seriously engaged scientists. 70 thousand. Years in geological terms – this instant. In the time that has passed since the eruption on Tobe, no fundamental changes in the world had happened.

Thus, the probability of such an event is now no less than 100 thousand. or 1 million years ago. Another thing that is a major event occur suddenly can hardly.

If the crust rearrangement and accumulation of huge masses of high pressure, it must surely lead to some indirect events such as earthquakes or earth surface displacements, which in the modern development of geophysical monitoring is impossible to miss. In the event of a major eruption precursors begin to appear and grow in intensity for months or even years before the main collapse.

In my opinion, the preparation superizverzheniya will be much longer. Nothing like this anywhere else now we do not see; so that we can be relatively calm.

Recent examples – Taupo eruption in New Zealand about 26 thousand. years ago. By volume compares with You, but had significantly less impact on the biosphere. From human history – Tambora in Indonesia in 1815, after which in Europe and America was pestilence livestock and people from the cold and hunger; in Germany in the summer of snow lying. The volume of the eruption – “only” 160 cu. km.


Falling new meteorite destruction threatens Europe – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Russian scientists have discovered a dangerous asteroid that orbits, involving a collision with the Earth

Today at 07:10, Views: 346

celestial body that could collide with the Earth, recorded with the help of a network of robotic telescopes MASTER created MSU. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, in collaboration with three domestic universities, Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory of Sciences and the University of San Juan (Argentina).

The approximate orbit of the asteroid is already known: it flies from within the solar system, flying three planets – Earth, Venus and Mars. Approximately the same direction and flew Chelyabinsk meteorite, said “to».

Professor of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Project Manager of the Global Network of telescopes-Robot Master Vladimir Lipunova told that the new meteorite collision with Earth may lead to a strong tsunami or destroy the whole of Europe.

«The new asteroid was discovered in 2014 UR116 two days ago. We caught him as he flew past Earth at a distance of one hundred times smaller than the Earth-Sun. Its size is more than 370 m in cross-section, which is about 20 times larger meteorite Chelyabinsk – said Lipunov. – We raised it high on the list of potentially dangerous asteroids such as Apophis ».

As explained by the professor, all the asteroids are divided into three groups: normal asteroids that fly between Mars and Jupiter, close asteroids are approaching the Earth’s orbit as well as potentially dangerous – those that cross the Earth’s orbit and may collide with the Earth. New asteroid belongs to the latter group of celestial bodies.

«There is a danger of collision of an asteroid with the Earth. Asteroid is quite dangerous, depending on where it hits. If he gets into a fairly large body of water, for example, in the sea, it will cause a strong tsunami that demolished the coastal cities. If, for example, gets to a nuclear power plant, it would threaten the whole of Europe – said Lipunov. – On the possible timing of its collision with the Earth to speak early, because we watched him only two days. Besides asteroids are constantly exposed to the influence of planets. This asteroid’s orbit is such that it passes by Earth, Venus and Mars, that is, under constant influence of the three planets, which adjusts its orbit. So now you can call one time, and when the asteroid will fly past Mars, its trajectory may change. Thus it is safe to say that the next two years, the collision would not ».


Russian telescope “Master” has found a new dangerous asteroid – BFM.Ru

In the collision of an asteroid with the earth an explosion 1,000 times more powerful than in Chelyabinsk in 2013

The Russian robotic telescope “Master” discovered a new asteroid threatens immediately three planets the solar system. It is reported online edition “Russian hardcover».

The discovery occurred on November 27 near Kislovodsk. Heavenly body, named 2014 UR116, diameter greater than 370 meters, and in the event of a collision with the Earth will burst, the power of which is a thousand times greater than the power of the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteorite in 2013. Asteroid could hit the Earth, Mars or Venus.

The Russian network of robotic telescopes “Master” was created by scientists Lomonosov Moscow State University, in collaboration with the Ekaterinburg and Irkutsk State University, Blagoveshchensk Normal University, Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory and the University of Argentine the city of San Juan. Previously with telescopes “Master” were discovered two asteroids that threaten Earth. The diameter of these heavenly bodies 250 and 125 meters.

In 2013, the territory of the Chelyabinsk region meteorite fell. According to scientists, the celestial body landed in the lake Chebarkul, weighed 7 thousand to 13 thousand tons, and its diameter is about 20 meters.


Scientists: Galapagos tortoises are no longer threatened with extinction – Rosbalt.RU

WASHINGTON, October 30. US scientists conducted a study population of Galapagos tortoises on the island of Hispaniola, and concluded that the extinction of them are no longer threatened.

 In 1960 on the island of Hispaniola (part of the Galapagos Islands) had only 15 Galapagos tortoises. To save the population of giant reptiles was conducted long-term program of repatriation: turtles that were in captivity in various countries, parties were returned to their homeland from 1975 to 2007 – all for this period on the island of Hispaniola in 1482 moved Galapagos tortoises at the age of two to five years.

 Scientists from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry examined the results of the program saving the turtles examined data Galapagos National Park for 40 years, and have made optimistic conclusions: more than half of unleashed animals are still alive, they have successfully adapted and produce offspring.

According to specialists, the island is home to about 1000 Giants. “This is a rare example of how biologists and managers can work together to restore the species at risk of extinction,” – said the head of research, biology professor James Gibbs.

 Scientists predict that within the next hundred years, the island of Hispaniola is the abundance of Galapagos tortoises, the “My Planet”. Fertility and survival suggests that the extinction of species is possible even if you do not bring in new individuals.

However, as Gibbs said, there is one obstacle to the growth of the population. This change to the usual turtles landscape. The soils on the carbon content in different layers, the researchers found that over the past 150 years, the vegetation of the island has changed a lot, became dominated by small plants, grasses, shrubs and small trees. They impede the movement of Galapagos tortoises and prevent the growth of cactus, which feed on these giants.

“is inhabited Turtle Island – is one of the tasks, but the ecological restoration of their habitats will take much longer,” – said Gibbs.

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hundreds of billions of rubles institutions get from Fano – All the latest news and events from the world of cars

Michael Kostjukov , head of the Federal Agency of scientific organizations, reported to the Council of the Federation on the implementation of the bill on reforming the Academy of Sciences.

According to him, since January 1, subordinate institutions Fano receive hundreds of billions of rubles. Announced several times the amount exceeds the amount of funds allocated in the past years. For example, in 2014 the official budget Fano was 95 billion rubles, which is not quite enough. After all, the needs of the scientific institutions provide separate 16 billion.

The meeting also reviewed the inventory of property research institutions. About 6000 objects of state property, not entered in the register, found threefold. Until the end of the year promises to Fano register 60% of the property, which is currently listed for subordinate organizations. Finish this work plan before the end of 2015.


Fano has provided scientific institutions 101 billion. Rubles –

 & # x424; & # x410; & # x41D; & # x41E;


The federal agency research Organizations (Fano) RF from January 1 this year allocated to subordinate institutions over hundreds of billions of rubles. This information provided a head of the organization Michael Kotyukov, raportuya before representatives of the Federation Council at the meeting, the theme of which was the implementation of the draft law on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Tells about it “to».

the amount provided by the Government thoroughly exceeded the planned 2014 budget official Fano Code (originally it was 91 billion. Rubles). Throughout the year, the agency received more than 16 billion. Rubles, which went to the financial needs of research institutes, said Kotyukov.

Another one of the issues discussed was the issue of meeting the inventory of all property of scientific institutions. Fano found about 6500 different objects of state property, which were not included in the special register. On 1st November 2014 about 25 thousand objects stood on gosuchet. Before the end of this year Fano plans to register 60% of the property that is listed for the subordinate organizations, and in 2015 finally finish this work.

Opinions and feedback from our readers:

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Putin called on universities to bring together education with production – Russian Newspaper

The president demanded that universities do not chase the applicants and funding – it devalues ​​their prestige – and called on universities to bring together education with production.

On the X Jubilee Congress of Rectors at MSU gathered leaders of almost all universities in the country and visitors from abroad. Total in this system in Russia employs more than 300,000 people, 5.5 million students. “Army of the whole” – praised the president.

“The higher education system has been and remains a powerful intellectual resource of the country, it generates new knowledge – and, of course, for this and create: trains to all spheres of life in Russia” – said the head of state.

In recent years, much has been done to institutions of higher education have evolved in accordance with the requirement of time became competitive, asked landmarks advanced industries. Formed a network of leading universities, allocated substantial budgetary resources. To support research under the guidance of leading scientists provided grants of state. Strengthen cooperation of universities and businesses.

increases and wages – at the May decrees of 2018 they should be at least 200% of the average wage in the region. “These plans, of course, we will seek to realize,” despite certain difficulties, “- Putin said. In the first half the salary of a high school system on average exceeded 45 thousand.” Somewhere higher regional average, somewhere not yet reached this strap, “- he said. For example, the average salary in Moscow is quite high, it is not easy to get to, and many universities – 250.

” And wage growth, and strengthening the material-technical Base – all primarily instruments of development and renovation of high school, investments in basic tasks – training of professionals in demand in the labor market “, – said the president. But as long as claims to the level of education, the content of programs and the quality of teaching are many: not every university ready to work in a modern way to have a graduate degree, not only remained, but also the necessary knowledge and skills. “High school needs more openness, clear mechanisms that would stimulate change,” – says the president. A major role can play the introduction of objective quality assessment learning. To implement them should connect and the Russian Union of Rectors, Putin said: “To your authoritative opinion heard, and in the regions and at the federal level. You’re better than anyone, know how to most effectively and sensitively to organize this work, understand that need to do to the grading system, including independent, was informal, informative, unbiased and of real benefit to all of this sector. ” The results of evaluating the quality of specialist training should be considered when making decisions on the state accreditation, convinced the president.

“Our Graduate School must be strong, to give a truly modern, decent education,” – said the head of state. “To master the knowledge of such a high level, this quality can not every man” – he said. So many questions arise when some institutions enroll children with obviously inadequate knowledge. “This race for entrants, and hence for funding, I must say bluntly, sometimes devalue the institution of higher education, eroding the value, prestige, and authority of the university,” – he criticized. “What is the quality of professionals we get the output? – Wondered Putin. – It is clear that expect a good result is not necessary.” “In the universities should do those who are able to study there,” – said the president, adding that this also applies to the budget, and paid places.

In the example of the head of state has led the capital, taking up the CSE this year the highest number in mathematics scored 80-100 points. At the same time there are cases credited to such specialties as “Aviation and space-rocket technics”, “Air Navigation”, “Information Security”, “Engineering”, “electricity and heat”, applicants with 24 points on most major subject.

Another task – to establish direct close contact with future employers of graduates. “This is absolutely fundamental requirement for universities that train specialists – primarily engineers and technicians,” – said the president. “In difficult economic conditions, we need to rapidly develop the non-primary sector to the forefront, of course, beyond the maximum convergence of education with production, with practice, with real life” – he said. We need to create breakthrough technologies, to provide production personnel demanded, and the Russian Union of Rectors, with offices in 72 regions should make a contribution to this.

See also

The Congress has not been without Ukraine. Rector of St. Petersburg State University Nicholas Kropachev applause offered to oblige colleagues help universities southeast of the country. But the president has asked not to do it obligatory: “I understand that I want what’s best. I know how we humans are configured as relate to these tragic events.” Putin sure that all who can, and so will do anything to help.

Many outraged international ratings. “It’s simple and primitive: it is one of the tools of competition in the educational market. Who will use their own detriment and to our advantage,” – explained the president. But Russia does not intend to isolate. “We have a lot of originality, a lot of what makes us different from others, but to withdraw into themselves, in their shell, look what’s happening around, too, can not”, – Putin said. But your rating, of course, needed.

The head of state agreed that the pay system for teachers and educators have biases: it is necessary to optimize the system of higher education. In addition, he called in advance to think that “talent from us will not leaked.” “The main task of the university – training of specialists. The university is not created in order to earn money, and to prepare students” – he recalled. Specialists from abroad return is necessary, but not only reward for what came.

Working in the humanitarian sector – strategic, summed up the chief of state: “If you do not bring up human self-sufficient, but is aware of themselves as part of a large is large, multi-ethnic and multi-religious community, we have with you is not the country “.

In conclusion, the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy gave President school essays on the topic” A man whom I trust. ” “Children write that they trust you,” – he said.

Professor summoned to school

Rectors discuss six important topics. Among them – the support of talented youth, improving the quality of higher education, science in higher education, the role of Russian universities in the world and strengthen our position in the international rankings of universities.

Engage in Russian universities of foreign students and partners are now easy – with agree all the rectors. Competition in the market of educational services is very large. To foreign experts came to work at the university, need to equip a laboratory, the cost of which comes to 1 billion rubles and competitive salary – 200-300 thousand. Students are attracted to double degrees and training in English. All these challenges.

– It is important to our presence overseas universities. We opened a branch in Dubai and see that there is already full representation of Chinese, Korean, German universities – said the Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Igor Maksimtsev.- 12 programs we offer students the double degrees, and it is also a way to interest his university.

One of the promising ways to develop universities – education network, when several leading universities offer students combined and joint training programs. For example, in the Northern Federal University already has about a dozen such programs. You can make the pilot projects for the best programs and offer them to all universities. But rectors care not to fall for universities whether in this case the funding? “We are ready to train the network, but does not consider whether this cross-financing? – Asked the rector of the St. Petersburg IFMO Vladimir Vasilyev.

According to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov, universities for it and add more money.

See also

– It is not about cutting back funding. For universities that offer network forms provided multiplying factors – said deputy.

Eugene Chuprunov Rector of the Nizhny Novgorod State University believe that to improve the reputation of the universities must promote its own scientific journals, thus encouraging professors to publish in leading journals. So,

NSU last year paid higher premiums for the publication of 370 employees, the amount reaching 300 thousand rubles. encourage scientific activity at MSU, St. Petersburg State University, but already there were universities, who believe that one ruble will not solve the problem, and the phasing out of such high premiums in favor of other types of incentives.

Another problem – support for technical education. The level of knowledge of students in physics and mathematics disastrously low. Universities are ready to patronize over schools and even send professors to teach a class, but who will pay for it? Good shots are leaving the regions where the production. Obviously, you can keep the housing specialists and high salaries, and the Congress sounded proposals to give the right of young professionals who go to work in the village, the benefits in the allocation of apartments. Until that problem is solved only with housing for military enterprises.

– I know the defense industry, where interns receive housing through 3-5 years of work at a discounted mortgage. But with frames for agriculture complex question – declared Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov.

There were no socially significant questions: how many students have to pay for the hostel and why they do not want to take student loans? HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuz’minov cited figures: cost hostel – billions of rubles, and 75 percent of the students at any university – state employees, and take the extra money on a university dormitory nowhere. “About 35-40 percent of students from families that can pay for the hostel. We need targeted support students from poor families who can not pay,” – said Kuzmin. As for loans to study, they can be included in the system of state insurance risks to the state guaranteed bank paid at non-return.


Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma a bill banning Spice turnover in Russia and about moving Judicial Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.


Fano has provided scientific institutions over a hundred billion rubles –

The Federal Agency of scientific organizations in Russia since the beginning of the year listed in subordinate institutions 101 billion rubles. This was reported to the head of the agency, Mikhail Kotyukov, speaking to members of the Federation Council of the round table devoted to the issue of implementation of the law on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. About speech Kotyukova says in a press release received by the editors “Heathcliff!».

The amount allocated significantly exceeded budget Fano Russia in 2014 (it was approved in the amount of 91 billion rubles). “During the year we were able to get a further 16 billion. Rubles appropriations for financial support of the work of our institutions”, – stressed Kotyukov.

Also at the roundtable touched on the property inventory of scientific organizations. Fano found six and a half thousand of state property not previously including in the relevant registers. As of November 1, 2014 the state cadastral registration delivered about 25,000 objects. According Kotyukova, this year Fano expects to register 60 percent of the property assigned to the subordinate organizations, and in 2015 to complete the job.


Antares put on the engine from the “Angara” – Dni.Ru

After the accident booster Antares Americans decided to change engine suppliers . The victory won in the tender organized by the Russian company that manufactures engines for the “Angara”.

Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Bill Ingalls

The American Orbital Sciences Corporation after the accident booster Antares renounce Ukrainian suppliers of engines. In a short time it will start to buy engines for missiles near the Russian NGO “Energomash”, based in Khimki , according to “Izvestia”.

For information unofficially confirmed by the Russian Space Agency. “Winning the tender won RD-193 NGOs Khimki” Energomash. We learned it long ago. Now the parties agree on the format of the announcement of results of the competition, there is a delicate political moment. Also, decision-makers in Orbital, are consulted on the assurance of supply of these engines in the current environment. However, our guide had earlier said that hinder international cooperation for the sake of purely sanctions will not be problems, “- said a source in the Russian space agency.

To complete US missiles plan RD-193. According to experts, they are almost a lightweight copy of RD-191, which are mounted on Russian rockets “Angara” . One such engine is worth about 240 million rubles. Until now Antares rocket engines were equipped with AJ-26. In fact, this work is still in the 70- ies in the USSR engines HK-33, which for current operations are modified to Ukrainian enterprises – “Southern” – in Dnepropetrovsk.

How to write Dni.Ru , Rocket scientist made the first conclusions about the causes of a large-scale disaster off the coast of Virginia. Many of the facts in favor of the wreck of the American ship with a space truck Cygnus, to head to the International Space Station, was the fault of the Ukrainian producers the first starting stage.


Russians spent on paid content on the Internet 6 billion rubles – Russian Newspaper

Of the nearly 70 million users Runet 12 million already rocked legal content on the web. So the effect of the anti-piracy law on “users” is very important, deputy head of the Ministry of Communications stated Alexei Volin.

According to him, the number of Russians who can distinguish legitimate content on the Internet from illegal, has grown by a third. But, of course, not yet learned how to do it. And sometimes give money for illegal content on the “gray” sites.

See also

More than half of the users of the Russian segment World Wide actively “consume” the web legitimate audio, video, books, games. The number of active users has increased by 7 percent. This year, with the development of mobile Internet to 48 percent increase in the number of those who listen to music online. But download it only 22 per cent.

Such conclusions made by experts, conducting research “Russian Internet Economy 2013-2014″, organized by the Association of Electronic Communications and NRU “HSE”.

But of all who watch videos and listen to music online, ready for these fun and still pay only 13 percent of users. Their number decreases, as well as the proportion of “self defaulters.” A year ago, 40 percent were not willing to pay for access to legal content on the web, in 2014 those – half.

Buy the web more often videos, e-books and games. The most popular platform for purchasing content remains a personal computer, in second place – mobile gadgets. “The number of Russians are ready to pay for legal content less than those who pay for it – agreed Wolin. – This indicates that the Russians have mixed two concepts: the willingness to pay and reality. Today the situation is such that even if users do not want to pay, they will still get paid. ” Why did those who had been willing to turn out his pockets on the Web for information, it has become less?

“A very important point – a few years ago was potentially willing to pay more, as the concept of paying for content was completely abstract. Man this is not encountered. Today, people understand that we are talking about the transactions – withdrawing money from his bank card account or a mobile phone. And his willingness decreases sharply, “- explained Wolin.

Half of the users Internet still can not accept the idea that you have to pay for content

Of the people who buy something and download for free on the Web, 41 percent believe that the most effective measure to combat piracy – it ensure the availability of free or low-cost legal information content on the Internet, experts say. In the event of an economic downturn significant number of users would be willing to change their habits in favor of free alternatives, not really thinking about the legality of these proposals, and not being able to distinguish between them, experts predict.

In general, the domestic economy segment of the Internet in 2014 is expected to grow by 30 percent, experts say. A volume-dependent economy internet markets, traditionally estimated by experts RAEC the study made on the end of 2013 more than 6.7 trillion rubles, compared with 10 per cent of GDP.

There is a growth in the area and services for development Internet sites, online advertising, promotion of products and services in social media and search engines. At the time of the study conducted by the market volume of media advertising amounted to 23 billion rubles, which is 20 percent more than in 2012. Expected growth in 2014 will be another seven percent.

In this case the sale of audio and video discs are falling, and most Russians becomes downloadable content confirmed the IT-director OZON.RU Alexander Alekhine. “There is a very active growth of downloading books – plus one hundred percent for this year,” – he said.

Interesting Facts

A online retail has grown to 368 billion rubles, electronic payments – up to 350 billion rubles, the market of digital content on the Internet (video, music, books) – to 5.8 billion rubles.

In addition, users increasingly began to organize themselves traveling. That is, the segment online Travel stood at 195 billion rubles, which is 27 percent increase compared with the previous year and the forecast growth of 45 percent over 2014 results. Only on OZONe every day bought ten thousand tickets. A growing proportion of tickets for flights within Russia. Grown areas such as Sochi and Crimea, said Alexander Alekhine. Indeed double sales through mobile devices in online stores. The proportion of payment by bank cards rose to 30 percent.

But in order to develop Runet stopped due to the additional involvement of new people, and began to grow due to increased productivity in the Internet-dependent industries, necessary regulation of the industry. And the main thing here is to regulate the activities of the “gray” players in online commerce, identify unfair business.

A RAEC have the initiative to establish the rules for e-commerce. Branch wants to develop mechanisms that will organize in the eyes of buyers, who are the “gray”, “white”, foreign vendors, said the head of RAEC Sergei Plugotarenko.

In addition, the industry intends to undertake the elaboration of the rules for the buying of goods Internet Child, adding that they can acquire and watch.


Antares rocket exploded because of “catastrophic anomalies” – Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine

         Experts are studying the causes of the disaster space truck with supplies for the ISS.

 Representatives of the space agency NASA rocket explosion commented Antares carrying the space truck.

 The company Orbital Sciences Corporation, which built and manages the cargo ships and missiles, the Federal Aviation Administration, and NASA began to investigate.

 Specialists visited the crash site and there are all the debris will be marked, collected and sent for further analysis. In addition, inspectors are already working on the analysis of telemetry and video from the scene of the accident.

 According to preliminary estimates, the inquiry may take a few weeks, reports

 At a special press conference, experts said that shortly before the disaster management center said “catastrophic anomalies” from 10 to 12 seconds after the start, because of what the security officer to remotely activate the self-destruction of the rocket. But what caused these “anomalies” are not yet known.

 They also found that the damage from the explosion was at least $ 200 million. Destroyed expensive rocket, two tons of valuable cargo, damaged surface structure cosmodrome, suffered a launch pad. Destroyed satellite Planetary Resources, planned for the future extraction of minerals on asteroids and compact kubosat Arkyd 3.

 In NASA calmed – irreparable had happened and the ISS is able to operate without resupply from 4 to 6 months. New Russian missile supplies delivered, and on December 9 this year is planned next flight Dragon truck company SpaceX.

 Recall that heading to the International Space Station (ISS) with two tons of cargo space truck Cygnus exploded with booster Antares at the start at the Baikonur Vallops the night of October 29, on the Atlantic coast of the United States.

 If this is the vice-president and CEO of the manufacturer Antares Orbital Sciences Corporation Frank Culbertson said Antares rocket engines have passed all the testing stage and the problems have been identified.


Roscosmos await the battle between the two countries for the partition of the Moon – All the latest news and events from the world of cars

According to forecasts of scientists from the Russian Space Agency, in the coming years the world powers will compete for the possession of the lunar territories.

Russia already chose a piece of the satellite. Our database want to put at the South Pole, there is convenient, and there are deposits of water ice. The United States, in turn, expressed the desire to put the base on the territory around their lunar landing ship Apollo.

While all of these statements contradict the agreement on the exploitation of outer space. According to the agreement of 1967, no State has the right to usurp any space territory.


Communications satellite “Meridian” put into the proper orbit – BFM.Ru

The launch took place from the Plesetsk cosmodrome

Combat calculation troops Aerospace Defense successfully produced from Plesetsk launch rocket middle class “Soyuz-2.1a” with the satellite communication ” Meridian “said representative of the press service and information on the Defense Ministry troops Colonel Alexei Zolotukhin EKR.

The launch took place at 04:43 MSK with launcher platform number 4 № 43. Start and rocket flight media, as well as the separation of the spacecraft passed normally. At 04:51 upper stage “Fregat” successfully separated from the rocket’s third stage and the set time brought “Meridian” on orbit. At 07:01 companion was adopted to manage major test Space Center Titov. Onboard systems “Meridian” functioning normally, with it supports sustainable telemetry. See also: Russian communications satellite “Express-AM6″ put into the proper orbit

This is the fourth launch “Soyuz-2″, carried troops EKR in 2014 from Plesetsk. Previous launch was held on June 14 while the grouping of the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS joins spacecraft “Glonass-M”. As for the satellite “Meridian”, it is intended to ensure communication of ships and aircraft ice reconnaissance in the area of ​​the Northern Sea Route to land, ground stations, expanding the network of satellite communication stations of the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East.


Communications satellite “Meridian” is displayed on the target orbit – BBC News

launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome carrier rocket “Soyuz-2.1a” successfully placed into the target orbit communication satellite dual-use “Meridian”.

Spokesman Forces Aerospace Defense reported that at 06:58 Moscow time a spacecraft successfully separated from the upper stage “Fregat” and has already been taken at 07:01 on the management of the funds Main Test Space Center. GS Titov, who will operate it during orbital flight. With the satellite installed and maintained stable telemetry, its onboard systems are functioning normally.

Satellites “Meridian” – a series of dual-use devices, reminiscent of “Interfax”. In particular, they are intended for communication between marine vessels, aircraft and shore ice reconnaissance ground stations in the area of ​​the Northern Sea Route, as well as to expand the network of satellite communications in the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East. Grouping communications satellite “Meridian” is deployed to replace the three systems of communication – “Molniya-1″, “Lightning-3″ and “Sail” .


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The most powerful supercomputer in the world climate will be in the UK – 3DNews

UK Meteorological Office has entered into a contract with Cray to build world’s most powerful computing system designed exclusively for the analysis of climate change and weather forecasting.

At the heart of the complex – Cray XC40 hardware platform based on Intel server processors Xeon and storage system Cray Sonexion. Building a supercomputer will be implemented in three phases, and the total cost of the project will reach $ 128 million. It will be the largest for Cray contract outside the United States.

After entering the supercomputer commissioned its performance will be approximately 16 petaflops ( quadrillion floating point operations per second). For comparison, now the most powerful computing system of the world – the Chinese Tianhe-2 complex – has the speed to 33.86 petaflops (peak performance of 54.9 petaflops).

The new British supercomputer total weight of about 140 tons located in Exeter (Devon). Its storage subsystem can hold up to 20 petabytes of information, providing a capacity of 1.5 TB / s.

It is noted that the rapid development of computer technology today allows you to make a four-day weather forecasts with the same accuracy as the day 30 years ago. The advent of the new supercomputer will bring periods of forecasting to five or six days without loss in accuracy.


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“Energomash” 2017 will supply engines for missiles Antares – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Today at 03:30, Views: 782

The American company Orbital Sciences, which produces launchers Antares, which crashed at the start of October 28 to change the supplier of the main engines products, writes “Izvestia».

Orbital held a tender among manufacturers of engines for vehicles, which will be released in 2017, and won a victory in its RD-193 NGOs Khimki “Energomash”, said the publication of the source in the Russian Space Agency.

Currently, the parties shall agree on the format of the competition results are announced. Also, decision-makers in Orbital, are consulting on guarantees supply of these engines in the current context.

Currently Antares completed AJ-26 engines, made on the basis of Soviet NK-33, preserved from the times of the manned lunar unfinished program. Then were mothballed several dozen copies. The first batch of engines came to the US in the mid-1990s, Aerojet bought them for $ 1 million apiece. Revised appeared modified engine AJ-26.

In 2013, Orbital has been negotiating with the United Engine Corporation (UEC), the controlling of “Kuznetsov” to resume serial deliveries NK-33. According to the Executive Director of “Kuznetsov” Nicholas Yakushina, hand out on the signing of a firm contract.

In late 2013 Orbital Sciences has decided to organize a tender in which vied “Kuznetsov” and “Energomash».

«The competition has almost taken place, the outcome is not yet announced, although we – Alliance Aerojet and” Kuznetsov “- according to our information, the project has to consider,” – said Jakushin, adding that contacts with the United States remain force.

At the end of the 1990s, the NGO “Energomash” won the contract to supply the US entitling United Launch Alliance (ULA, a joint company Lockheed Martin and Boeing) RD-180 engines for missiles Atlas.

The explosion Antares space truck with Cygnus occurred on October 29 at 01:23 MSK during launch from the Baikonur NASA Wallops Island, off the coast of Virginia. Cygnus ship was supposed to deliver to the ISS more than 2 tons of food and other goods. On the supply of the Russian segment of the station explosion Antares not affected.
