The president demanded that universities do not chase the applicants and funding – it devalues their prestige – and called on universities to bring together education with production.
On the X Jubilee Congress of Rectors at MSU gathered leaders of almost all universities in the country and visitors from abroad. Total in this system in Russia employs more than 300,000 people, 5.5 million students. “Army of the whole” – praised the president.
“The higher education system has been and remains a powerful intellectual resource of the country, it generates new knowledge – and, of course, for this and create: trains to all spheres of life in Russia” – said the head of state.
In recent years, much has been done to institutions of higher education have evolved in accordance with the requirement of time became competitive, asked landmarks advanced industries. Formed a network of leading universities, allocated substantial budgetary resources. To support research under the guidance of leading scientists provided grants of state. Strengthen cooperation of universities and businesses.
increases and wages – at the May decrees of 2018 they should be at least 200% of the average wage in the region. “These plans, of course, we will seek to realize,” despite certain difficulties, “- Putin said. In the first half the salary of a high school system on average exceeded 45 thousand.” Somewhere higher regional average, somewhere not yet reached this strap, “- he said. For example, the average salary in Moscow is quite high, it is not easy to get to, and many universities – 250.
” And wage growth, and strengthening the material-technical Base – all primarily instruments of development and renovation of high school, investments in basic tasks – training of professionals in demand in the labor market “, – said the president. But as long as claims to the level of education, the content of programs and the quality of teaching are many: not every university ready to work in a modern way to have a graduate degree, not only remained, but also the necessary knowledge and skills. “High school needs more openness, clear mechanisms that would stimulate change,” – says the president. A major role can play the introduction of objective quality assessment learning. To implement them should connect and the Russian Union of Rectors, Putin said: “To your authoritative opinion heard, and in the regions and at the federal level. You’re better than anyone, know how to most effectively and sensitively to organize this work, understand that need to do to the grading system, including independent, was informal, informative, unbiased and of real benefit to all of this sector. ” The results of evaluating the quality of specialist training should be considered when making decisions on the state accreditation, convinced the president.
“Our Graduate School must be strong, to give a truly modern, decent education,” – said the head of state. “To master the knowledge of such a high level, this quality can not every man” – he said. So many questions arise when some institutions enroll children with obviously inadequate knowledge. “This race for entrants, and hence for funding, I must say bluntly, sometimes devalue the institution of higher education, eroding the value, prestige, and authority of the university,” – he criticized. “What is the quality of professionals we get the output? – Wondered Putin. – It is clear that expect a good result is not necessary.” “In the universities should do those who are able to study there,” – said the president, adding that this also applies to the budget, and paid places.
In the example of the head of state has led the capital, taking up the CSE this year the highest number in mathematics scored 80-100 points. At the same time there are cases credited to such specialties as “Aviation and space-rocket technics”, “Air Navigation”, “Information Security”, “Engineering”, “electricity and heat”, applicants with 24 points on most major subject.
Another task – to establish direct close contact with future employers of graduates. “This is absolutely fundamental requirement for universities that train specialists – primarily engineers and technicians,” – said the president. “In difficult economic conditions, we need to rapidly develop the non-primary sector to the forefront, of course, beyond the maximum convergence of education with production, with practice, with real life” – he said. We need to create breakthrough technologies, to provide production personnel demanded, and the Russian Union of Rectors, with offices in 72 regions should make a contribution to this.
See also
The Congress has not been without Ukraine. Rector of St. Petersburg State University Nicholas Kropachev applause offered to oblige colleagues help universities southeast of the country. But the president has asked not to do it obligatory: “I understand that I want what’s best. I know how we humans are configured as relate to these tragic events.” Putin sure that all who can, and so will do anything to help.
Many outraged international ratings. “It’s simple and primitive: it is one of the tools of competition in the educational market. Who will use their own detriment and to our advantage,” – explained the president. But Russia does not intend to isolate. “We have a lot of originality, a lot of what makes us different from others, but to withdraw into themselves, in their shell, look what’s happening around, too, can not”, – Putin said. But your rating, of course, needed.
The head of state agreed that the pay system for teachers and educators have biases: it is necessary to optimize the system of higher education. In addition, he called in advance to think that “talent from us will not leaked.” “The main task of the university – training of specialists. The university is not created in order to earn money, and to prepare students” – he recalled. Specialists from abroad return is necessary, but not only reward for what came.
Working in the humanitarian sector – strategic, summed up the chief of state: “If you do not bring up human self-sufficient, but is aware of themselves as part of a large is large, multi-ethnic and multi-religious community, we have with you is not the country “.
In conclusion, the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy gave President school essays on the topic” A man whom I trust. ” “Children write that they trust you,” – he said.
Professor summoned to school
Rectors discuss six important topics. Among them – the support of talented youth, improving the quality of higher education, science in higher education, the role of Russian universities in the world and strengthen our position in the international rankings of universities.
Engage in Russian universities of foreign students and partners are now easy – with agree all the rectors. Competition in the market of educational services is very large. To foreign experts came to work at the university, need to equip a laboratory, the cost of which comes to 1 billion rubles and competitive salary – 200-300 thousand. Students are attracted to double degrees and training in English. All these challenges.
– It is important to our presence overseas universities. We opened a branch in Dubai and see that there is already full representation of Chinese, Korean, German universities – said the Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Igor Maksimtsev.- 12 programs we offer students the double degrees, and it is also a way to interest his university.
One of the promising ways to develop universities – education network, when several leading universities offer students combined and joint training programs. For example, in the Northern Federal University already has about a dozen such programs. You can make the pilot projects for the best programs and offer them to all universities. But rectors care not to fall for universities whether in this case the funding? “We are ready to train the network, but does not consider whether this cross-financing? – Asked the rector of the St. Petersburg IFMO Vladimir Vasilyev.
According to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov, universities for it and add more money.
See also
– It is not about cutting back funding. For universities that offer network forms provided multiplying factors – said deputy.
Eugene Chuprunov Rector of the Nizhny Novgorod State University believe that to improve the reputation of the universities must promote its own scientific journals, thus encouraging professors to publish in leading journals. So,
NSU last year paid higher premiums for the publication of 370 employees, the amount reaching 300 thousand rubles. encourage scientific activity at MSU, St. Petersburg State University, but already there were universities, who believe that one ruble will not solve the problem, and the phasing out of such high premiums in favor of other types of incentives.
Another problem – support for technical education. The level of knowledge of students in physics and mathematics disastrously low. Universities are ready to patronize over schools and even send professors to teach a class, but who will pay for it? Good shots are leaving the regions where the production. Obviously, you can keep the housing specialists and high salaries, and the Congress sounded proposals to give the right of young professionals who go to work in the village, the benefits in the allocation of apartments. Until that problem is solved only with housing for military enterprises.
– I know the defense industry, where interns receive housing through 3-5 years of work at a discounted mortgage. But with frames for agriculture complex question – declared Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov.
There were no socially significant questions: how many students have to pay for the hostel and why they do not want to take student loans? HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuz’minov cited figures: cost hostel – billions of rubles, and 75 percent of the students at any university – state employees, and take the extra money on a university dormitory nowhere. “About 35-40 percent of students from families that can pay for the hostel. We need targeted support students from poor families who can not pay,” – said Kuzmin. As for loans to study, they can be included in the system of state insurance risks to the state guaranteed bank paid at non-return.
Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma a bill banning Spice turnover in Russia and about moving Judicial Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.
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