Wednesday, November 18, 2015

“Cassini” made “family portrait” of the two moons of Saturn – Russian newspaper

On the site NASA appeared together an image of two satellites of Saturn Diana and Enceladus.

“Family Portrait” two Saturnian moons was made spacecraft “Cassini” September 8 this year a distance of about 83 thousand kilometers of Dione (zoom of this satellite is 500 meters per pixel). At the time of the shooting distance to Enceladus is 364 thousand kilometers (zoom – 2.2 km per pixel).

See also

Although the two satellites is almost of the same materials, Enceladus has a much higher reflectivity compared to Dione. Apparently, this is due to his icy “fountains” in the South Pole, by which the moon’s surface looks bright, updated and snow compared to the more “old” weathered surface of Dione.

The fourth largest moon of Saturn Dione It was discovered by astronomer Giovanni Cassini in 1684. Dion composed mostly of water ice with a considerable admixture of rocks in the inner layers.

Enceladus is the sixth largest satellite of Saturn, was discovered in 1789 by astronomer William Herschel.

See also

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