Thursday, November 26, 2015

Gadgets can be charged for Wi-Fi – Dni.Ru

The American scientists were able to experimentally prove that the Wi-Fi, in addition to the Internet, can distribute electricity. The result of research in this area was the creation of a prototype for the wireless charging gadgets on the Wi-Fi-router.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / imago stock & amp; people

According to the portal Science Alert, in the course of experiments conducted in the laboratory of the University of Washington, engineers were able to charge with the new device via Wi-Fi a small device – the camera . On charging the battery 41% took almost 2.5 hours. How to assure the American scientists, the current that is in the air and provides a wireless charging, is completely safe for humans.

Meanwhile, the technology, called Power Over Wi-Fi (PoWiFi), is not yet sufficiently developed. While it can be used to charge a battery of small devices. To charge a smartphone or laptop power the router is not enough , but the cameras and fitness trackers it charges for a few hours.

The more girth signal charging system PoWiFi is only five square meters . However, say scientists, after a slight modernization of the device will be able to recharge any gadgets on the area, covering the apartment. Full presentation of the invention experts promise to hold the exhibition in Germany CoNEXT 2015.

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