Solar Dynamics Observatory of NASA documented in the Sun release of two dark matter, accepted the strand-like . First there was the release of November 15th and lasted four hours, the second – the next day. Video of powerful solar flares that hit chenyh, NASA posted on its official website.
The recording was made with the help of the observatory NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory. Video shot using long-wave ultraviolet (at a wavelength of 304 angstroms) in the extreme ultraviolet region of the spectrum, then experts “painted” record red . Scientists have shown an accelerated process of percolation phenomenon, laid in 18 seconds.
Astrophysicists still can not explain what caused these powerful emissions of dark matter . It is known that the solar matter is formed and held above the surface of the star by magnetic forces. By changing its configuration, the magnetic field causes solar flares: the eruption of solar plasma into space. Matter thus it may take the form of filaments of different sizes. This darker strands emitted from the sun because of their relatively low temperature.
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