Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Details of the operation, which resulted in the Russian pilot was rescued, he opened Sergei Shoigu – First Channel

This was done at the board meeting of the Ministry of Defense. It began with a minute of silence.

This was done at the board meeting of the Ministry of Defense. It began with a minute of silence.

The minister promised that the families of the victims will be provided with all necessary assistance. He also told the details of the operation to rescue one had ejected pilots.

“Yesterday, within 12 hours of our special forces and special units of our colleagues in the Syrian military rescue operation to save the navigator of our Su-24 was completed successfully. The navigator delivered to our base. alive and well, I would like to thank all our guys who are at great risk worked all night, and in fact in 3 hours 40 minutes to complete this work “, – said Sergey Shoigu.

At the operation to rescue navigator attended by two of our helicopters. One of them, as already soobschalalos, made an emergency landing. The crew had been evacuated. There were shots as Russian troops leave the helicopter. And after a while militants destroyed this car.

All last night at the General Staff was to develop an operational plan based on the prevailing situation. Minister ordered to proceed immediately to its implementation. It was decided to relocate the missile cruiser “Moskva” to the coast of Syria in the region of Latakia. The ship set complex “Fort” – an analog of the ship S-300 systems. He is able to control the movement of any purpose in areas where running our aircraft. Bombers will now fly to perform combat missions under cover of a sea and air.

“By the decision of the Supreme Commander for defense on all fronts in Syria at the airport thrown anti-aircraft missile system S-400. We stop all contacts with Turkey in the military sphere,” – said Sergey Shoigu.

Such a tough stance due to the fact that the Turkish Air Force, as saying the military caused us to literally stab in the back. The fighter went into the tail of our bomber, without ammunition returns from a mission, and fired a missile with thermal homing head. Any attempts by the Turkish pilot to contact or establish visual contact with our crew is not fixed.

The Russian Ministry of Defence has already demonstrated a diagram that shows how everything happened. Red flagged our plane. Yellow label – Turkish Air Force fighter. According to the exact data of the objective control, our bombers out of the airspace of Syria and the border with Turkey is not crossed. In general, to shoot down the plane, do not pose a real threat to its airspace formal reason enough. The standard response to this violation – diplomacy: a note of protest. But once to attack under international law it is – nonsense. Moreover, the Turks are not careful in the air. Their military aircraft since the start of this month, a few dozen times to entering the airspace of Greece, with which Turkey has an uneasy relationship. And yesterday, according to radar reconnaissance airfield “Hmeymim”, which is based our aviation group, to strike at the Russian bomber videoconferencing, Turkish fighter aircraft violated the border with Syria.

Soon Syrian airspace will be blocked for the aircraft- violators. C-400 – one of the most sophisticated weapons in Russia. He will cover his radar eye of almost the entire territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. From him will not escape any object in the air, even low-flying targets. The complex is designed to ensure the safest possible continuation of Russian aerospace forces to destroy military and economic infrastructure of the terrorists.

Sergey Zenin

Management Information Programs

Total Correspondent stories 213


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  • Details of the operation, which resulted in the Russian pilot was rescued, opened Sergei Shoigu

    Details of the operation, the result of which was saved Russian pilot, Sergei Shoigu opened


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