Monday, November 30, 2015

RSC “Energia” will test the laser on board the ISS – Express-News

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30.11 | 16:36

Experts of the Russian space agency had planned to carry out the experiment, which aims to identify possibilities of wireless transmission of energy in outer space using a special laser system. And, as the newspaper “Izvestia”, by laser specialists Roscosmos will try to pass on board the Russian segment of the ISS some of the electricity transport ship “Progress».

As stated in the report, the preparation of the experiment by specialists RSC “Energia “that are connected to the process leading laboratories of the country. At the same time Head of the energy systems of space vehicles of the new generation of RSC “Energia” Vyacheslav Tugaenko states that the potential of the research team already has receivers photoelectric converters, the efficiency of which is around 60%. On the other hand, based on the company is already prepared the relevant route through which will be practiced system of beam pointing.

According to experts RSC “Energia”, the system has already passed a successful start commissioning in test mode and shows the efficiency tract within 10-20 percent. If you use the latest advances in laser technology, this indicator can be increased by another 10 percent. And if the experiment will take place in the specified format, very soon we will be able to transmit power from the spacecraft with powerful power plants to other objects, equipped with special receivers-transmitters. Thus, it can be directly refueling satellites in orbit, thereby opening new horizons of studying outer space.


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