On the eve of Roskomnadzor announced that ready to include five pages of the online encyclopedia in the register of banned information at the request of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Russia (FDCS) if, within three days of the administration of the resource is not make changes in these articles in order to fulfill the requirements of the law. By assumption, the Internet encyclopedia, it is about the articles MDMA, “Cocaine”, “Amphetamines”, “Methamphetamine” and “Spice (smoking mixture)”.
The reason for the review by the Federal Drug Control Service was a letter from the head of the movement ” Antidiller “State Duma deputy Dmitry Nosov. “ No one site will not let publish prescription drug . Anyone can do drugs because of such articles. Many people, once in the need to be in any way trying to make money,” – said Nosov.
In turn, the executive director of the nonprofit partnership “Wikimedia Ru”, the organization that promotes the development of the online encyclopedia on the territory of Russia, Stanislav Kozlovsky said that the intentions “Antidilera” likely motivated PR .
In this case, as the newspaper “Izvestia”, activists of “Mediagvardii” (project “Young Guard” United Russia “, MGER) attempted to edit the prohibited articles about drugs in” Wikipedia “. However, they said administration of the resource block them with the formulation of “vandalism”.
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