Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Free Wi-Fi-network in Russia will be able to remain anonymous – 3DNews

The Ministry of Communications in response to the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Vadim Dengina clarified in what cases should be carried out to identify users of public networks of Wi-Fi.

In early August, we recall, it was reported that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which access to public Wi-Fi Wi-Fi networks in our country should be granted only if the identity of the subscriber. The document reads as follows: « In the event that fixed-term contract for the provision of one-time data services in the areas of collective access telecommunications operator shall identify the users and they use terminal equipment operator. User authentication is carried out by establishing a network operator surname, first name, middle name (if any) the user confirms the identity document ».

However, many market participants, companies, organizations and private users have questions how and what kind of situations should be carried out procedures to identify the subscriber. Now dot the “i” dotted deputy head of the Ministry of Communications Dmitry Alkhazov, explanations which the newspaper “Izvestia».

« Under the community access points mean the place where the telecom operator has a one-time services to the general public on the basis of agreement entered into on the basis of conclusive action (when the client does not sign the contract, but their behavior confirms its intention to participate in the transaction », – said in response to the request of Mr. Dengina.

In other words, users are subject to identification Only those networks Wi-Fi, the owners of which are licensed operator. This is particularly the case for companies and organizations that provide wireless Internet access for the money. If you provide free Wi-Fi-services operator license receive is not required .

In this way, free Wi-Fi-networks in cafes, libraries, schools, parks and other public places can remain anonymous. At the same time there is a clause that if the organization has signed a contract with the service provider for services Wi-Fi, the latter must produce identification of users. However, entrepreneurs usually organize hotspots on their own, so that the requirement for mandatory identification of users they are not affected.



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