Sunday, July 17, 2016

Flying to the ISS space truck “Progress MS-03″ separated from “the Union” – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, July 17 – RIA Novosti The transport ship the new series. ” Progress MS-03 “, launched in 00.41 MSK to the International space station (ISS), separated from the third stage of the carrier rocket” Soyuz-U “, told RIA Novosti the Russian space Agency.

” There was a compartment of the truck. The flight program includes his two-night rendezvous with the ISS scheme. The estimated time of the ship’s docking with the station – 03.22 MSK July 19, “- said the agency

Truck will deliver to ISS more than 2.4 tons of various cargoes, including fuel, air, oxygen, food, equipment to maintain. operation of the station and parcels for the crew members.

The ships of the new series “Progress MS” have additional protection from space debris and micrometeorites, redundant electric motors as part of the docking mechanism, a new unified command and telemetry system, rendezvous and docking system ” course-ON “.

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