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Like many other exam, Chemistry in 2017 test part with a part, reports portal “Five corners”. Now the answers in part “A” will have to be taken from the head, not from the list. According to the representative FIPI Adelaide Kaverina, this transformation will allow weed very weak students, and trained graduates will not hurt
also change the structure of the first part:. Jobs will be located not from simple to complex, and the clusters comprising and simple, and “profile” problem.
Samih jobs is likely to be less. Because the job without selecting an answer allow a better assessment of the level of training, the need to stretch pleasure in solving problems 40 Not applicable. Experts believe that the 34 exam questions for the updated exam in chemistry is enough.
modernized KIMy be tested for schoolchildren and several times brought up for discussion. Does the exam in chemistry project will remain exactly as conceived today, is still unknown
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