Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Music “VKontakte” will be paid until the end of the year – News

Photo: Kirill Zykov

will be new paid features for listening to audio recordings, and he himself with the music section will be completely rethought in a social network “VKontakte”. This was stated by representatives of major music majors – CEO of Universal Music Group in Russia Dmitry Konnov, CEO of Warner Music Group in Russia Alexander Blinov and CEO of Sony Music Entertainment in Russia Arina Dmitrieva at the round table at the festival “VKontakte”.

– Listen to the audio recording will be free, but will be a number of new paid features – for example, to add an audio recording to yourself. If you like the performers, you have to support them. And the musicians have to make in order to please you with new songs. In the “VKontakte” it can be done at the price of a cup of coffee, – said Alexander Blinov.

Social Network plans to promote music through playlists, and the musicians should see a page with a full description and discography (as it is now implemented in the Apple Music).

– «VKontakte» – the only place on the Internet, where the music is closely associated with social interaction, people share playlists, send songs to each other. But now you can attach only 10 recordings, and it’s only half an hour of listening, you need to increase and make more complete playlists. But the actor should be a description of all his singles, breakdown by album – commented Arina Dmitrieva.

When it new opportunities appear, it is not precisely known, but the music rights holders promise to the end of this year.

– We will test different monetization opportunities in collaboration with our partners-majors – said the press service of “VKontakte»

In the press-service of “VKontakte” and explained that. testing will be conducted in a separate annex (which is only music), mobile applications changes until a

as for the cost of subscriptions -. all three members of the majors stated that it would be “price of a cup of coffee.” Subscription itself is likely to be implemented in an analog to the Apple Music and can be made out for a month, giving you access to advanced features.

Now in Russia subscription to Apple Music is 169 rubles a month. In April this year it was reported that the subscription to the service purchased more than 13 million people, and in January, the number of Russian Internet users totaled 300 thousand. Man. One of the most popular Russian strimingovyh services “Yandeks.Muzyka” monthly subscription costs 149 rubles. Themselves strimingovye services in the last year for the first time surpassed the conventional music sales. As reported in the study, representatives of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) income from all strimingovyh services in the world grew by 29% in 2015 and amounted to $ 2.4 billion.

Head “Yandeks.Muzyka” Business Development Group Andrew Stebunov said that last year the audience music service “Yandex” has increased in half, are now monthly audience of service “Yandeks.Muzyka” and “Yandeks.Radio” is more than 20 million users. According to him, customers appreciate good sound quality and comfort, so gradually refuse from pirate sites and services, choosing a legal music applications.

– People increasingly prefer to listen to music through the services without having to download it to their device. Many like workability – recommendation technologies have learned to take into account the tastes of each student and to select music based on personal preferences. It’s like magic, but it works: the listener puts his huskies and dislayki, and technology allows for his tastes and helps to listen to your favorite music and discover new, – said Andrey Stebunov.

The music is also return to iOS-app social network when – also not specified. In February 2014, Apple removed VK App application from its store. The Corporation is actively fighting piracy, therefore, to go back to the store, the social network had to remove a section with audio recordings of the applications for the iPhone and for the iPad.

July 15 Mail.Ru Group, United Music Agency (partner interaction with the owners of the holding) signed an agreement with the third largest copyright – Universal Music Group (previously signed with two other Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment), a social network “VKontakte” has signed with Universal Music Group amicable agreement on the settlement of unresolved lawsuits (with two other such agreements as have already been signed).

In the Mail.Ru Group’s press service reported that the signed contracts provide access to licensed content leading record companies for all users of social networks of the holding. That is, the fee for the record can enter not only in “VKontakte”, but also in social networks “Classmates” and “My World”. Details of how many subscriptions will cost and what features will be paid, were not disclosed.

Public Interaction Director of FSUE “Firm” Melody “Karina Abramyan said that people have stopped buying albums, and began to buy a subscription to music services because they are much cheaper. She believes that the promotion of music playlists, as implemented in the popular western service Spotify and Apple Music, – the most obvious step for the development of musical direction in the social network.

– For the last quarter, the first time we have earned in the streaming more than one album download. Album in the average cost 99 rubles, and subscription – somewhere 169 rubles, that is, at a cost of less than two albums can be accessed at all to all the music. Apple Music actively developed, users are ready for subscriptions model – says Karina Abramyan. – Playlists that listen millions popular among users (because there are a lot of different music) and bring good income owners. Since October, we will be the first Russian copyright – curated playlists in Apple Music. Naturally, we will promote your record, but also add audio to other rightholders to playlists have become popular among users. Probably, “VKontakte” will do the same story, with editors and curators.


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